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"Language for work: How to support work-related language learning for adult migrants": training workshop in Slovenia

ECML training and consultancy for member states

Author: Catherine Seewald/Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2022/Categories: Show on front page, Slovenia, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC Language for work

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Dates: 20 May 2022, 26 May 2022, 27 May 2022
Format: online event
ECML experts: Matilde Grünhage-Monetti, Germany; Alexander Braddell, United Kingdom
Local organiser of the ECML training and consultancy: Matej Klemen, University of Ljubljana, Centre for Slovene as the Second and Foreign Language
Participants spread over three days: 26 teachers of Slovene as L2, experts in the field od L2, organisers of the courses for unemployed learners of Slovene as L2

Working language: English, Slovene



How to support work-related language learning for adult migrants

In May 2022, the Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana) hosted a workshop "How to support work-related language learning for adult migrants". The ECML experts, Alexander Braddell and Matilde Grünhage-Monetti, considered the specific challenges faced in Slovenia when working with unemployed people in the field of teaching and testing Slovenian as a target language. 

During the three-day workshop, teachers and organisers of Slovene courses, as well as other experts in the field of Slovene as a second and foreign language, reflected on three areas in particular: language for employability, learners and their motivation to learn the language, and a supportive environment where language learning can flourish. In addition to their expertise, the presenters offered participants the opportunity to reflect on their own work, as well as lots of materials, simple and effective ways to improve teaching and to help unemployed people to learn Slovene as a second language effectively. 

The workshop will undoubtedly contribute to improving teaching practices. It has offered a good starting point for reflection on professional training programmes for teachers teaching Slovene on courses for the unemployed, as well as a reflection on current and future practices in testing of Slovene as a non-first language for professional/employment purposes.

Matej Klemen, local organiser



Kako odraslim migrantom pomagati pri učenju jezika, povezanega z delom

Maja 2022 smo na Centru za slovenščino kot drugi in tuji jezik (Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani) gostili delavnico z naslovom "Kako odraslim migrantom pomagati pri učenju jezika, povezanega z delom" ("How to support work-related language learning for adult migrants". Predavatelja, Alexander Braddell in Matilde Grünhage-Monetti, sta pri pripravi delavnice upoštevala specifične izzive, s katerimi se v Sloveniji soočamo pri delu z brezposelnimi osebami na področju poučevanja in preverjanja znanja slovenščine kot neprvega jezika.

Učitelji in organizatorji tečajev slovenščine ter drugi strokovnjaki s področja slovenščine kot drugega in tujega jezika smo v tridnevni delavnici razmišljali zlasti o treh področjih: o jeziku in zaposljivosti, o učencih in njihovi motivaciji za učenje jezika ter o vzpodbudnem okolju, v katerem se je jezika mogoče učiti. Predavatelja sta udeležencem poleg svojega strokovnega znanja ponudila priložnost za razmislek o lastnem delu, poleg tega pa tudi obilico gradiv, preprostih in učinkovitih načinov, kako izboljšati pouk in brezposelnim osebam pomagati pri učinkovitem učenju slovenščine kot drugega jezika. 

Delavnica bo nedvomno pripomogla k izboljšanju poučevalnih praks in bo izhodišče za razmislek o programih strokovnega usposabljanja za učitelje, ki poučujejo slovenščino na tečajih za brezposelne, ponudila pa je tudi razmislek o dosedanjih in prihodnjih praksah pri preverjanju znanja slovenščine kot neprvega jezika za poklicne/zaposlitvene namene.

Matej Klemen, local organiser



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