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Cross-border vocational education : regional practices and realities

ECML project “Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education” (2020-2023)

Author: Catherine Seewald/27 June 2022/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2020-2023, Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education

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The ECML project “Enhancing language education in cross-border vocational education” (2020-2023) was presented within the framework of the international conference “Cross-border work in Europe: Regional practices and realities – Le travail transfrontalier en Europe: pratiques et réalités régionales” (5-6 May 2022) in the Grand-Duché of Luxemburg.

Christina Reissner (Universität des Saarlandes / Center for Border Studies. Germany), one of the associate partners of the project, presented a contribution “La formation professionnelle transfrontalière dans différentes régions – « same but different » ?”.

The project focuses on innovative processes which facilitate the crossing of linguistic and cultural borders as well as on the development of CLIL methodology in professional settings, connecting research to real needs on the ground. The outputs expected for 2023 include a manual for educators in cross-border environments, working with younger learners in vocational education or with adults in professional education. The manual will include guidelines and training modules, as well as a teacher portfolio based on the European Language Portfolio.


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