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Approach to Teaching for Deeper CLIL and Beyond – A Pluriliteracies Learning: hybrid workshop (11-12 October 2024, Podgorica, Montenegro)

ECML training and consultancy event

Author: Catherine Seewald/Freitag, 8. November 2024/Categories: Show on front page, front page tags, TaC news, Poland, Training and Consultancy, 6mtp TaC CLIL

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ECML training and consultancy "Approach to teaching for deeper CLIL and beyond – A pluriliteracies learning": hybrid workshop (11-12 October 2024, Podgorica, Montenegro)
Venue: Bureau of Educational Services in Podgorica
Local organiser: Jasmina Djordjevic, Bureau for Educational Services of Montenegro
ECML experts: Letizia Cinganotto (Italy) and Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany)
Participants: 22 teachers of all subjects in elementary and secondary schools, advisor from the Bureau for Education


On 11-12 October 2024 the Bureau for Education Services, with the expert support of the European Centre for Modern Languages, organised a hybrid workshop Approach to Teaching for Deeper CLIL and Beyond – A Pluriliteracies Learning.

Class and subject teachers from elementary and secondary schools that are implementing bilingual education programmes and an advisor from the Bureau for Education Services participated in the workshop. The participants had an opportunity for  training on the basics of integrated learning of content and language (CLIL) and deeper learning episodes which support the transfer of learning across language and subject, based on the pluriliteracies model.

The high standards set through technology and innovation strongly influence both curricula and teaching, so the approach from the pluriliteracies perspective for knowledge transfer provides teachers with a valuable skill for responding to the needs of contemporary school. 

The workshop was facilitated by ECML experts Letizia Cinganotto (Italy), in-person, and Susanne Staschen-Dielmann (Germany), on-line.

For more information about European Centre for Modern Language of the Council of Europe: www.ecml.at/TrainingConsultancy/CLIL/tabid/1815/language/en-GB/Default.aspx.

Jasmina Đorđević


Montenegrin version 

Zavod za školstvo, uz ekspertsku podršku Evropskog instituta za moderne jezike Savjeta Evrope, organizovao je hibridnu obuku Approach to Teaching for Deeper CLIL and Beyond – A Pluriliteracies Learning 11. i 12. oktobara 2024. 

Obuku su pohađali nastavnici osnovnih i srednjih škola u kojima se organizuje dvojezična nastava i savjetnica Zavoda za školstvo. Nastavnici su imali priliku da prođu obuku iz osnova integrisanog učenja sadržaja i jezika i sveobuhvatnog planiranja časa, koja pruža podršku transferu učenja  između jezika i sadržaja, zasnovano na modelu multipismenosti. 

Tekući visoki standardi koje postavljaju tehnologija i inovacije snažno utiču na kurikulum i nastavu tako da pristup iz perspektive multipismenosti za transfer znanja pruža nastavnicima vrijednu vještinu kako bi odgovorili zahtjevima savremene škole.

Obuku su vodile ekspertkinje ECML-a Letizia Cinganotto, neposredno, i dr Susanne Stachen-Dielmna, on-line.

Više of Evropskom centru za moderne jezike Savjeta Evrope: www.ecml.at/TrainingConsultancy/CLIL/tabid/1815/language/en-GB/Default.aspx

Jasmina Đorđević





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