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ELP in Croatian and French language classrooms

Author: Anonym/17 September 2012/Categories: Events

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The publication entitled Introducing the European Language Portfolio into Croatian and French Language Classrooms – From language Use to Language Awareness results from the project “Developing pupils’ independence by means of the European Language Portfolio (ELP)” (2007-2010).

This volume shows the path of young learners toward learner autonomy and the role of the ELP to achieve this aim. The articles are structured around several thematic fields such as learner autonomy from different perspectives, as well as the role and the function of teachers and parents.

The authors underline that the use of the ELP goes beyond the classroom, identify obstacles that need to be overcome of the ELP to be introduced in Croatian and foreign language classrooms, present opportunities that favour the use of the ELP, compare the self-assessment results of pupils, consider the development of awareness in young learners, discuss the development of intercultural awareness, reflect on the role that parents play in the ELP context, explore the role and the function of teachers in the use of the ELP, highlights character traits, attitudes and experiences of teachers who participated in the project, describe some practical examples of classroom activities and, last but not least, present the results of research conducted with FL teachers during their initial training that used the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL).
The accompanying DVD provides examples of good classroom practice.
Bibliographical reference:
Vrhovac, Yvonne (éd.), Introducing the European Language Portfolio into Croatian and French Language Classrooms – From language Use to Language Awareness / Introduire le Portfolio européen des langues dans les classes croates et françaises de langues étrangères. De l’usage de la langue à la conscience linguistique, Zagreb: FF Press, 2012, 308 pages, ISBN 978-953-175-425-5. [book CD-ROM]
ECML related resources
European Language Portfolio:
Young learners: Publications website:
Assessment of young learner literacy linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2011
Evaluation des compétences d'écriture et de lecture des jeunes apprenants en relation avec le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECR), 2011
Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in content-based teaching: A training kit, 2011
(Frenchversion planned in 2012)
EPLC: Enseignement précoce des langues modernes par des contenus / EPLC: Inhaltsorientiertes frühes Fremdsprachenlernen (website), 2011
Using the European Language Portfolio / Utiliser le Portfolio européen des langues (website), 2011
The TeMoLaYoLe book: Teaching modern languages to young learners: teachers, curricula and materials, 2007 (in English only)
Thematic collections: Presentation and evaluation of work carried out by the ECML from 1995 to 1999, 2003
Collections thématiques : présentation et évaluation des travaux menés par le CELV de 1995 à 1999, 2003
Information and Communication Technologies and young language learners, 2000
Les technologies de l'information et de la communication et les jeunes apprenants de langues, 2000
An early start: Young learners and modern languages in Europe and beyond, 1999
Un apprentissage précoce: les jeunes apprenants et les langues vivantes en Europe et ailleurs, 1999

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