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National minorities: language rights

Author: Anonym/Montag, 30. Juli 2012/Categories: Events

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By ratifying the Framework Convention, States Parties agree to “promote the conditions necessary for persons belonging to national minorities to maintain and develop their culture and to preserve the essential elements of their identity”, including language. The thematic commentary on "The language rights of persons belonging to national minorities under the Framework Convention" takes stock of the language-related provisions of the Framework Convention with a view to providing long-term guidance for improving the implementation of the principles of the Framework Convention.

It is addressed to authorities, decision-makers, minority representatives, public officials, non-governmental organisations, academics and other relevant stakeholders. It offers advice and practical recommendations in order to assist the development of a cohesive society when drafting legislation and policies affecting the language rights of persons belonging to minorities.

Council of Europe / Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the protection of national minorities, Thematic commentary no. 3: The language rights of persons belonging to national minorities under the Framework Convention, adopted on 24 May 2012 (30 pages).
Read the document : English French
Additional information :
Second thematic commentary on the Effective Participation of Persons Belonging to National Minorities in Cultural, Social and Economic Life and in Public Affairs, 2008
First thematic commentary on Education under the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, 2006
Website dedicated to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM)
ECML projects 2012-2015 and publications related to migrant education

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