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Dober dias! Buenos dan! Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt entdecken und feiern

Author: Christian Friedrich/mercredi 6 mars 2013/Categories: External publication

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 Dober dias! Buenos dan! Sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt entdecken und feiern. Praxisvorschläge für Sprachenworkshops und Sprachenaktionen für die Grundschule und die Sekundarstufe I. KIESEL neu, Heft 1. ISBN 978-3-85031-16: Download the brochure produced by the Austrian Language Competence Centre.

In addition to its role a National Relay for the European Day of Languages the Austrian Language Competence Centre (ÖSZ) has, since 2009, been active in running a series of language workshops entitled "Dober dias! Buenos dan! Learning to live with many languages." This brochure (in German) produced by the  ÖSZ in cooperation with multilingualism experts Katharina Lanzmaier-Ugri and Catherine Lewis presents the  language workshops a model for language educators. In addition,  a selection of five language events are presented, which were carried out by schools in and around the European Day of Languages and take up the theme of "language learning and multilingualism"in a creative and exciting way.

Download: http://www.oesz.at/download/publikationen/KIESELneu_Heft1_web.pdf


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