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Babylonia: A place for all languages at school

Author: Anonym/02 November 2011/Categories: External events

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The topic of this issue of Babylonia is the role of all languages in the classroom and to give each language – the language of schooling, regional languages and dialects, modern foreign languages and the languages of origin of migrant students a place in the classroom, so as to improve equal opportunities for all children in education.

The journal includes two articles on projects of the Empowering Language Professionals Programme of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). The MARILLE project, Majority language instruction as basis for plurilingual education (p. 44-48) and the CARAP project, A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches (p. 49-56), offer practical examples and teaching ideas for the classroom.
In future issues more articles from this programme will be published.

Babylonia, the Swiss quarterly review of language teaching and learning, publishes articles by teachers, teacher trainers and researchers, always in the original language with a short summary in another language. This special issue of Babylonia was edited Daniel STOTZ, Gé STOKS and Sonia REZGUI (coordinators) jointly with the Language Policy Division and the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe.

Visit the Babylonia website

Contents of issue no. 1/2011

ECML related articles (PDF)
MARILLE – Promoting plurilingualism in the majority language classroom - Eija Aalto, Andrea Abel, Tatjana Atanasoska, Klaus-Börge Boeckmann & Terry Lamb
Valoriser toutes les langues à l’école… par des approches plurielles: le projet CARAP - Ildikó Lörincz & Jean-François de Pietro

Visit the ECML project websites:
MARILLE project, Majority language instruction as basis for plurilingual education
CARAP project, A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches
Empowering Language Professionals Programme of the ECML (2008-2011)


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