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Places still available for ECML Workshop “Involving parents in plurilingual and intercultural education” (CARAP for parents) - 28-30 April 2014

For experts from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovak Republic, "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"



17 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (12364)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.0

Les vidéos pour humaniser la classe et créer un espace global d’apprentissage

by Isabelle Ortiz

 Utilisation des nouvelles technologies en classe

Here is a very interesting TED conference with Salman Khan (the founder of the Khan Academy) explaining how and why he created series of educational videos and what this tool can change in the traditional classroom. Although the video does not refer specifically to language learning, the parallelism, to a certain extent, can however be done. For those who want to watch this video in another language than English, subtitles are available in 42 languages. Read more
17 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (34347)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0

Finland puts flexible holidays ahead of longer school days

Learning spaces and learner autonomy

The length of the school year and school days, as well as the timing of holidays, is always a controversial topic. While the debate rages in the UK about whether children should spend more time at school, in Finland – which has both one of the shortest school years in the OECD and some of the best results in international education rankings – there is a push to improve learning by developing novel ways of learning, rather than increasing school days and lesson time. Read more

11 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (30131)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.7

Educating Teachers for Diversity

by Lusine Fljyan

In the overall context of teacher education there is very little space left for shaping the pre-service teachers’ skills and competences to work in a multicultural environment. In our days there is a growing tendency that schools in Europe and beyond enroll the children with different linguistic and cultural background. How can education facilitate the learners’ efficacy in a multicultural environment? Read more

11 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (28320)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.8

Using technology in the classroom

by Işıl Boy

Using technology in the classroom 
The rapid growth in mobile use has led many institutions worldwide to start integrating mobile technologies, mainly tablets, into the curriculum. However, there is a gap between the objectives and the results, which requires the exploration of gap analysis method. Gap analysis encourages teachers to reflect on how they are using tablets now, and how they may use them in the future. Read more



11 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (29464)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.9

CEFR Web Conference, 28-29 March 2014: Register now!

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


10 March 2014/Author: Catherine Seewald/Number of views (14985)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 2.3
Categories: External events

Spaces for learning

by Terry Lamb

 Learning spaces and learner autonomy

Autonomous learners and teachers have been described as active agents in their own learning and teaching, who, whilst understanding the constraints which impact on them, empower themselves by finding the “spaces for manoeuvre” (Lamb, 2000), thus avoiding resignation and disaffection.  Read more

05 March 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (39081)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.2

Join the dialogue on quality education & language competences

Share your views on the ECML conference blog!


04 March 2014/Author: Catherine Seewald/Number of views (7520)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

The cost of a lack of language skills

by Isabelle Ortiz

Plurilingual education

According to the Guardian, the lack of language skills costs the UK £48bn per year.

For companies willing to trade internationally, “English only” is not enough and the difficulty to find skilled staff results in a loss of contracts, in recruiting locally seconded expats and more generally in difficulties to operate globally. Read more


27 February 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (32880)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 2.3

The impact of classroom environment on academic achievement

by Isabelle Ortiz

Learning spaces and learner autonomy

Did you know that the classroom environment can help pupils’ academic performance rise by 25% over an academic year?

This is what the University of Salford (UK) and a firm of architects have found out. This pilot study has been able to correlate academic performance with learning environments. Read more


27 February 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (39561)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.8