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Using technology in the classroom

by Işıl Boy

Using technology in the classroom 
The rapid growth in mobile use has led many institutions worldwide to start integrating mobile technologies, mainly tablets, into the curriculum. However, there is a gap between the objectives and the results, which requires the exploration of gap analysis method. Gap analysis encourages teachers to reflect on how they are using tablets now, and how they may use them in the future. Read more



mardi 11 mars 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (30308)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.9
lundi 10 mars 2014/Author: Catherine Seewald/Number of views (15523)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 2.3
Categories: External events

Spaces for learning

by Terry Lamb

 Learning spaces and learner autonomy

Autonomous learners and teachers have been described as active agents in their own learning and teaching, who, whilst understanding the constraints which impact on them, empower themselves by finding the “spaces for manoeuvre” (Lamb, 2000), thus avoiding resignation and disaffection.  Read more

mercredi 5 mars 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (39866)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 4.2
mardi 4 mars 2014/Author: Catherine Seewald/Number of views (7675)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating

The cost of a lack of language skills

by Isabelle Ortiz

Plurilingual education

According to the Guardian, the lack of language skills costs the UK £48bn per year.

For companies willing to trade internationally, “English only” is not enough and the difficulty to find skilled staff results in a loss of contracts, in recruiting locally seconded expats and more generally in difficulties to operate globally. Read more


jeudi 27 février 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (33498)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 2.3

The impact of classroom environment on academic achievement

by Isabelle Ortiz

Learning spaces and learner autonomy

Did you know that the classroom environment can help pupils’ academic performance rise by 25% over an academic year?

This is what the University of Salford (UK) and a firm of architects have found out. This pilot study has been able to correlate academic performance with learning environments. Read more


jeudi 27 février 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (40232)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.8

Les MOOCs au service du plurilinguisme

by Isabelle Ortiz

Espaces d'apprentissage et autonomie de l'apprenant

This article refers to a programme aired on Radio France Culture in which the challenges of the MOOCs are presented in relation to language learning and the promotion of plurilingualism.  MOOCs may be another way to promote plurilingualism. Read more


jeudi 27 février 2014/Author: Anonym/Number of views (20846)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 3.4

Do inclusive, plurilingual approaches contribute to better quality education?

by Frank Heyworth

Plurilingual education

The Language Policy Unit and the ECML of the Council of Europe seek to contribute to making an "education of quality" available to all. But what do we mean by quality? The title of the present programme of the ECML is "promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education" which implies that these approaches really do improve the quality of education for all. This raises the question : in what way? Read more

mercredi 26 février 2014/Author: Christian Friedrich/Number of views (23253)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 1.8

Atelier du CELV "Publications du CELV pour l’usage pratique dans l’éducation plurilingue et interculturelle" (PIU) (26-28 mars 2014)

Recherche de participants d'Andorre, de la Bulgarie, de la France, du Liechtenstein, du Luxembourg, de la Serbie, de la République slovaque, de la Slovenie et de "L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine"

mercredi 26 février 2014/Author: Christian Friedrich/Number of views (12225)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: 5.0
jeudi 6 février 2014/Author: Christian Friedrich/Number of views (12929)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Journal article