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ECML workshop “Promoting excellence in sign language instruction” (Graz, Austria, 1-2 March 2017)

Author: Catherine Seewald/01 March 2017/Categories: Show on front page, Sign languages, ECML programme 2016-2019, Promoting excellence in sign language instruction

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This workshop brings together 34 teachers of a national or regional signed language on a university or tertiary level programme from 28 countries (member states of the ECML and Russia, Canada) and is moderated by the PRO-Sign team.

The professional development workshop also focuses on the elaboration of concepts and materials and provides a great opportunity for the participants to improve their knowledge of CEFR-based development of instructional materials; to work with the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in Sign Language teaching and learning; to use a variety of teaching and learning strategies; and to explore innovative ways to offer materials and exercises.

The ProSign 2 project, which is  a follow-up to the 2012-15 project “Sign languages and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Descriptors and approaches to assessment”, will develop a professionally-oriented competency framework for sign language teachers and provide B2 level materials and learning activities from different European sign languages. The project will also create a European language portfolio (ELP) that takes account of any modality specific requirements for sign languages.


Follow the project developments on Facebook (ProSign 2: Promoting excellence in sign language instruction) and Twitter (using the hashtag #ProSign2).

PRO-Sign 2 website: //www.ecml.at/pro-sign2

See also: Sign languages and the CEFR for languages - Common reference level descriptors


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