The Council of Europe is organising a videoconference entitled “The CEFR Companion Volume: A Key resource for Inclusive Plurilingual Education” on 16 December 2020 from 15.00 to 18.00 CET.
This videoconference intends to draw attention to the full potential of the CEFR Companion Volume in the field of education. It will present the CEFR Companion Volume which was published in April 2020 and the key concepts elaborated on or introduced in this updated version of the CEFR such as mediation, online communication and plurilingual and pluricultural competence. The conference will also present some related Council of Europe projects implemented or co-ordinated by the Education Policy Division and the European Centre for Modern Languages.
There will be a chat-moderated recorded broadcasting of the videoconference in the following morning (17 December 2020) from 9.00 to 12.00 CET which will allow participants from other time zones to participate and address questions to the experts.
The event is for registered participants only.
Please register at https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/register/ykevdfvk.
The working language of the videoconference is English.
Concept note and draft agenda