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Tasks to develop Digital Citizenship and to enable learners to act as language and digital technology users

"Digital citizenship through language education": ECML project news

Author: Catherine Seewald/30 March 2021/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2020-2023, Digital citizenship through language education

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A working meeting of the e-lang citizen team, including the project associate partners from Canada, took place on the 25th and 26th of February. During this meeting, the team finalised a conceptual profile of the digital citizen as a language and digital technology user. The team also agreed on how best to display the format of the publications that were analysed to produce the profile. This list is now available as a bibliographic database on Zotero.

But first and foremost, this meeting focused on the finalisation of the first set of tasks and activities forming the project database. Real-world tasks have been developed and will soon be available on the project website in French and English. They can be carried out in many languages and at different levels. These tasks encourage learners to contribute to participatory websites. In doing so, they can use and develop their language skills while experiencing digital citizenship. Finally, the task description also includes ways to promote reflective practice in three main domains: the social (interactional) dimension, the language-related dimension and the citizenship dimension.

New sets of tasks will follow in the coming months, we will hold a webinar in June and a workshop in November 2021. Visit our website to keep informed!

The e-lang citizen team

  • "Digital citizenship through language education" ECML project website: English - French

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