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MultiLEAP Webinar – Languages Across Borders, Within the classroom: Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment (7 October at 13.30-15.00)

Author: Catherine Seewald/29 September 2021/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2020-2023, Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment

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Welcome to MultiLEAP Webinar on 7.10. at 13.30-15.00!

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  • What: MultiLEAP Webinar – Languages Across Borders, Within the classroom: Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment (ME.T.L.A.)
  • When: Thursday 7th of October 2021, at 13.30–15.00
  • Where: http://r.jyu.fi/multileap-07-10-21


Welcome to hear an interesting presentation about the concept of cross-linguistic mediation in the foreign language classroom.  More than in the past, language teachers have to integrate language resources of multiple kinds. This project draws upon inclusive and pluralistic approaches to education – main priorities of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) - where the development of linguistic and intercultural competences play a key role. Our guests represent the ECML project “Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment” (ME.T.L.A.). The goal of the ME.T.L.A. project is to create a hands-on Teaching Guide on cross-linguistic mediation for primary and secondary language teachers and a digital database which will contain activities and tasks to be used in different educational environments.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • What is cross-linguistic mediation?
  • Cross-linguistic mediation in the ME.T.L.A project
  • Examples of cross-linguistic mediation activities in the classroom
  • Discussion
  • Closing of the webinar

Our guests:

Dr Maria Stathopoulou is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Hellenic Open University and at the National Technical University of Athens. Since 2007, she has been a Research Fellow at the RCeL, University of Athens and a member of the English team preparing the national exams for the Greek State Certificate of Foreign Language Competence (known as KPG exams).
From 2014-2017, she was a member of the authoring group of experts of the Council of Europe concerning the update of the CEFR. Recently (2020-2021), her project “Mediation in Τeaching, Learning and Assessment” (ME.T.L.A.) is being funded by the European Centre of Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe (2020-2023). Dr Stathopoulou’s book “Cross-Language Mediation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing” (2015) has been published by Multilingual Matters. Her second book concerns the teaching of ESP in academic contexts.

Magdalini Liontou works as an ESP university teacher at the Languages and Communication, University of Oulu and she is a PhD researcher focusing on language assessment at the University of Jyväskylä. She is interested in the cultural perspective of assessment, language mediation and inclusive pedagogy. She has also co-authored the book “Scientific Communication in English” for an ESP course taught at Nanjing Institute of Technology (China). Currently, she is the communication member in the “Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment” (ME.T.L.A.) project at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) regarding cross-linguistic mediation.

Looking forward seeing you on Thursday 7 October at 13.30 am!


Save the date already for the next MultiLEAP Webinar: Friday October 29 at 10.00!

The aim of MultiLEAP is to strengthen multidisciplinary research, collaborate within the faculties and enhance professional development of staff. MultiLEAP focuses on the wide array of skills, or multiliteracies, needed across the lifespan in the 21st century in working life, education, and home. The core themes of MultiLEAP are participation, access, equity, agency, and well-being. MultiLEAP supports research, for example, by organising thematic events and by providing funding.

Read more: jyu.fi/multileap

Do you want to organise a MultiLEAP Webinar as a guest host? Send an email to multileap@jyu.fi 


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