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ECML VITbox Project “CEFR Companion Volume Implementation Toolbox”: workshop at the ECML, 14 & 15 September 2021

Author: Catherine Seewald/16 September 2021/Categories: Show on front page, ECML programme 2020-2023, CEFR Companion Volume implementation toolkit

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On 14 and 15 September 2021, 32 participants from 27 countries in Europe attended an online workshop organised by the ECML in which the VITbox project team presented their professional development modules on how to implement the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume in teaching, learning and assessing languages in higher education and vocational training. The participants had the opportunity to work with the resources developed and provided valuable feedback to the members of the team, as well as suggesting additional elements that could be included. They exchanged ideas on how to adapt and integrate the VITbox resources into their own professional development activities and their teaching context. The VITbox team is eager to see how the participants will use the resources in their countries and contexts and how these activities may contribute to language education in university and vocational training.


The VITbox project (2020-2023) is developing tools in various languages to help teacher educators use and disseminate the ideas of the CEFR Companion Volume. It will provide digital documents and examples of inspiring practice in the implementation of the Companion Volume in language learning, teaching and assessment at university and in vocational training.


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