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Action research communities for language teachers: ECML workshop on 10-11 November 2016

Author: Michael Armstrong/03 June 2016/Categories: Language teacher competences, Action research communities for language teachers

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Action Research Communities for Language Teachers is a tremendous opportunity to bring together language teachers and teacher educators interested in developing their practice through action research. ARC will be a meeting point where action research experiences in the ECML member states can be exchanged, newer approaches discovered and paths opened. ARC takes inspiration from previous ECML projects on action research and quality and also action research cultures in different countries.

The project will run from January 2016 until December 2018 and the team members are Christine Lechner (Pedagogical University Tirol, Austria), Angela Brett-Gallagher (University of Southampton, United Kingdom), Tita Mihiau (Pedagogical Institute, Hermannstadt, Romania) and Brynhildur Ragnarsdottir (University of Reyjavik, Iceland).

The ARC workshop at the ECML will take place on 10-11 November 2016 for colleagues from ECML member states open to enhancing teaching practice through action research. The aim is to bring together experienced colleagues and those embarking upon a teaching career. Those interested are invited to take up contact with the ECML National Nominating Authority in their country so that they can be considered for participation in the corresponding project workshop.

The first expert meeting was held at the end of February 2016. The participants were able to become better acquainted and to exchange on professional views on action research and look at action research practices in our national settings.

Project activities began during the international week at the Pedagogical University Tirol during which an afternoon workshop was held in collaboration with the coordinator of the project “Towards a Common European Frameworkof Reference for language teachers” exchanging European views on quality in teacher education.

On 20-22 October members of the project team will be working with German teachers in Hermannstadt on enhancing teaching “Intercultural Learning in the German classroom” through action research methodology.


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