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National Training Workshop “Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)” (30-31 July 2024, Prague, Czechia)

Author: Katarina Vuksic/04 September 2024/Categories: Show on front page, Czech Republic, ECML programme 2024-2027, 6mtp TaC Online technology (ICT-REV), ICT-REV

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The Czech School Without Borders non-profit organization and the European Centre for Modern Languages jointly organized a two-day workshop entitled “Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning” on July 30 and 31 2024. The workshop was held in the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research in Prague and was attended by Czech language teachers from 17 different Czech (heritage) schools around the world, language teachers from the Czech Republic and academic language educators.

The participants indicated in their evaluations that it was an Excellent workshop’, a great opportunity to learn and to put immediately into the practice ICT tools. Excellent opportunity to work with others in groups, to share experience, to learn how to work with others efficiently and to learn how others might approach an assignment. Though teachers are in general aware of (some) ICT tools and use some on daily basis, a comprehensive overview and a possibility to try it directly in concrete situations are a real plus. The access to all the resources and possibility to share them is equally much useful and appreciated. The experts were dynamic, enthusiastic and very inspiring.

Czech version:

Spolek Česká škola bez hranic organizoval ve dnech 30.–31. 7. 2024 společně s European Centre for Modern Languages workshop nazvaný “Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning”. Dvoudenní workshop se konal v Praze, v prostorách poskytnutých Domem zahraniční spolupráce. Workshopu se zúčastnili učitelé českého jazyka ze 17 českých škol v zahraničí (nejdále z USA), učitelé jazyků a akademičtí pracovníci z České republiky.

Všichni účastníci hodnotili workshop velice pozitivně, zde výběr z jednotlivých komentářů:

Jedná se o skvělý workshop, který umožnil jeho účastníkům získat detailní přehled o moderních IT nástrojích a jejich využití při výuce jazyků. Způsob vedení worskhopu je velmi dynamický, účastníci mají možnost si v inspirativním a přátelském prostředí vše rovnou vyzkoušet; důležité a přínosné je i vzájemné sdílení zkušeností. Volný přístup ke všem zdrojům je neopominutelné plus.

Lucie Slavíková-Boucher, local coordinator




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