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ECML workshop “Teacher competences for languages in education” in the Slovenian context

ECML Training and Consultancy event for Slovenia (15-16 April 2021)

Author: Catherine Seewald/14 May 2021/Categories: Show on front page, Slovenia, 6mtp TaC Teacher competences

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Local organiser: Nataša Pirih Svetina, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
ECML experts: Anna Schröder-Sura, Germany; Richard Rossner, UK'
Participants: about 30-50 language teachers

In mid-April 2021 the workshop “Teacher competences for languages in education” was carried out on ZOOM for participants from various educational institutions in Slovenia. The participants were primarily language teacher trainers from various departments of the University of Ljubljana, and among them were also some language teachers from secondary and higher education institutions involved in the national project Languages matterco-funded by ESS EU funds. The workshop, conducted by Richard Rossner and Anna Schröder-Sura, members of the 2016-2019 ECML project, a Guide to Teacher Competences for Languages in Education team, focused on the various teacher competences related to languages and language use.

Participants at the workshop were thrilled about work done in this project as well as happy to get the opportunity to familiarise themselves  with at least some of more than 40 existing teacher competence frameworks. The participants were grateful for such brilliant assistance from both leaders of the workshop in exploring the relevance and usefulness of these frameworks, resources and tools in teaching practice. However, they also expressed their opinion that no online workshop, no matter how well organised, could ever replace live experience and face-to-face discussions and exchanging experiences.

Nataša Pirih Svetina


Slovene version

Delavnica “Učiteljeve competence za jezike v izobraževanju” v slovenskem kontekstu

V sredini aprila 2021 je bila s pomočjo ZOOM-platforme izvedena izobraževalna delavnica “Teacher competences for languages in education”, ki so se je prvenstveno udeležili učitelji jezikov ter izobraževalci jezikovnih učiteljev predvsem s Filozofske in Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani ter učitelji jezikov z osnovnih in srednjih šol, vključenih v nacionalni projekt Jeziki štejejo (JEŠT), ki je sofinanciran s strani ESS. Delavnica, ki sta jo izvedla Richard Rossner in Anna Schröder-Sura, člana ECML projekta 2016-2019 z naslovom Guide to Teacher Competences for Languages in Education, se je osredotočila na različne učiteljeve zmožnosti, povezane z jeziki in njihovo rabo. Udeleženci delavnice so bili presenečeni nad količino obstoječih referenčnih okvirov, ki govorijo o učiteljskih zmožnostih, znanjih in spretnostih v povezavi z jeziki, kakor tudi nad delom, opravljenim v navedenem projektu. Hvaležni so bili vodjema delavnice, ki sta jih tako učinkovito vodila pri seznanjanju vsaj z nekaterimi koristnimi viri in orodji, ki jim bodo v pomoč pri njihovem nadaljnjem delu. Ne glede na odlično organizacijo in izvedbo delavnice pa so izrazili tudi svoje mnenje, da bi bilo delo v živo, z diskusijo in neposredno izmenjavo izkušenj še mnogo bolj koristno in navdihujoče.

Nataša Pirih Svetina



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