Call for submissions for the ECML 2016-2019 programme of activities “Languages at the heart of learning” The Call for proposals for the ECML 2016-2019 programme of activities has been officially launched. The Call, reflecting current priorities in language education across the Centre’s member states, has been developed in close collaboration with the ECML Governing Board and Professional Language Forum as well as ECML experts. The deadline for submissions is 1 May 2015. Please disseminate the Call as widely as possible amongst your professional networks. Dedicated Call website: call.ecml.at ECML calendar of activities 2015 European Day of Languages 2014
With 97 different events featuring in the calendar, France was the most popular country for EDL in 2014. Whether it was language taster sessions and games organised with pupils, teachers and parents, videoconferences between classes in different countries, speak-dating events, language fairs, storytelling, flashmobs or conferences examining the importance of language learning – there was a huge variety of events with something for everyone interested in languages. The level of interest was also reflected by the numbers of visitors going to the EDL website – with over 1.1 million page views recorded in September. With the addition of Danish and Bulgarian this year, the website is now available in 28 languages. New features on the site which have proved popular are a game on sign languages, as well as language trivia focusing on some of the amusing, the strange and the unique aspects of 41 of Europe’s languages – suggestions for new trivia and all other ideas which prove that learning languages really is fun are very welcome. edl.ecml.at This year the Council of Europe was involved in a number of events taking place in celebration of the Day:
Together with the Graz Language Nework the European Centre for Modern Languages was involved in organising a language festival on the island in the River Mur, Graz, Austria, for all age groups. Video (3:30 min.) : English - German European Commission’s “Why languages matter” conference
European Day of Languages Photo Contest 2014 The winners of the “Language learning in action” contest are: Nr 1: Under the birch Nr 2: 2 cool 4just sitting Nr 3: Deutsch macht Spass The contest was intended to illustrate language learning in action in different environments. The competition was open until 15 December to persons of all ages living in Council of Europe member states and observer states. The European Centre for Modern Languages will use the best photos for promotional purposes with the top three winners receiving prizes from the Council of Europe. A big THANK YOU to all participants and voters! Photo contest gallery on Facebook (51 photos) “Quality Education in Romani” (QualiRom) As of 2015 the European Centre for Modern Languages will offer a new training and consultancy activity to member states entitled “Quality Education in Romani” (QualiRom, http://qualirom.uni-graz.at). Training and consultancy activities are intended to respond in a targeted and bilateral way to the needs of ECML member states requesting support for developments in language education. The QualiRom training and consultancy activity offers to provide 2-day training workshops/ consultancies in member states in 2015-2016 according to local needs: This takes the form of a range of possible service targeting different groups: The ultimate aim of the activity is to contribute at all levels of education systems to the integration of Roma pupils. Requests for a training and consultancy activity should be submitted via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board. Educational professionals interested in a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative (see govboard.ecml.at). Language education: news from our member states and our partners Austria Austrian Centre for Language Competence (ÖSZ), Sprachbox 2/2014, November 2014. [German] France CIEP (Centre international d’études pédagogiques), Bibliography on Languages and Employability focusing on language economics and corporate language practice, September 2014, 24 pages. [French] Switzerland Pochon, E. & Lenz, P. (2014). Language requirements and language testing for immigration and integration purposes. A synthesis of academic literature Council of Europe Language Policy Unit The Language Policy Unit celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the European Cultural Convention by publishing a review of its work over the past six decades: The linguistic integration of adult migrants: from one country to another, from one language to another (2014) Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the importance of competences in the language(s) of schooling for equity and quality in education and for educational success (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 2 April 2014 at the 1196th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies) Publications and articles relating to the ECML Breslin Sarah (2014), “Linguistic diversity in Europe - Opportunity or obstacle”, in OeAD News, Volume 24, No. 2/95, décembre 2014, page 6. (Issue in German, 1 article in English) CIEP (Centre international d’études pédagogiques), Courriel européen des langues, December 2014. [French] JACET SIG on English Language Education, Language teacher education and its relevant fields, August 2014, 96 pages, online edition: ISSN 2188-8264, print edition: ISSN 2188-8256, Vol. 1, n° 1 (Japanese edition) - Vol. 1, n° 2 (English edition). Little David (2011), [Transl. 2014] Slovak National Institute for Education, Európske jazykové portfólio - Príručka na plánovanie, implementáciu a hodnotenie celoškolských projektov, Strasbourg/Graz: Council of Europe Publishing / European Centre for Modern Languages. Meyer Stephan, Gekeler Petra, Manger Sebastian and Urank Daniela (2012), Plurilingualism, multilingualism and internationalisation in the European Higher Education Area: Challenges and perspectives at a Swiss University, De Gruyter MOUTON, CercleS 2012; 2(2): 405-425. Quick links Council of Europe Keep yourself informed |
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