Newsletter of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Nr. 25 - March 2015

Call for submissions for the 2016-2019 ECML programme: Languages at the heart of learning

What is it about?

For the new programme 2016-2019, the ECML seeks submissions from professionals active in the field of language education with a strong interest in European cooperation, such as practice-oriented researchers, teachers, teacher educators, inspectors, training providers.

The Call recognises that quality language education is a pre-requisite for quality education overall. Language is at the root of all learning: all teachers, irrespective of sector or subject area, have a role to play in developing the linguistic and intercultural repertoires of their learners. This is reflected in the title:

Languages at the heart of learning

Key themes 

  • Inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education in practice
  • Language teacher education in digital literacy
  • Teacher education for early language learning
  • Learning environments where foreign languages flourish
  • Pathways for learning
  • Professional learning communities
  • Whole-school teacher cooperation – language(s) of schooling
  • Towards a CEFR for language teachers


Why get involved?

Just a few examples of the benefits for language professionals:

  • further develop professional expertise in cooperation with representatives from over 30 ECML member states;
  • create practical tools for enhancing the quality in language education across Europe;
  • benefit from the expertise, support and funding of a cutting-edge and unique European institution and its networks;
  • use the ECML platform to negotiate, communicate and publish innovative ideas;
  • live a truly intercultural and enriching learning experience.

How to apply

Open project proposals:

A team of four experts (plus optional self-funded associate partners) represented by a prospective coordinator puts forward a project proposal based on the rationale and themes of the Call for submissions. The proposal includes details of all team members, indicating their role within the team. Based on the broad themes in the Call document ‘open’ project proposals should develop content and outputs for the projects.

Closed project proposals:

An individual expert sends an application in response to one or more of the project descriptions under closed project proposals. In the case of project “Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for language teachers”, applications may be from individuals OR from teams/consortia. ‘Closed’ project proposals should correspond to the detailed project descriptions provided in the Call document.

Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2015

Submission forms are available on the Call website

Support available

The ECML is responsible for logistics, budgetary matters and financial management relating to the running of all projects within the programme, as well as for the production of the final project outputs.

The contribution of the Centre includes:

  • travel and subsistence costs for team members (excluding those of associate partners) and participants for the meetings and events included in the action plan of the project;
  • annual coordination fees for each of the roles indicated here (except for associate partners);
  • a 3-month fellowship, if proposed by the project coordinator and approved by the ECML. The fellow will be a recent graduate assisting a project in a specific aspect of its work; he/she will carry out this work at the ECML;
  • the technical preparation and layout of online publications;
  • provision of relevant documentation and materials for events;
  • consultancy at all levels of the project (i.e. support for management, content, technical, website, dissemination, evaluation, project promotion, documentary);
  • logistical and financial management of meetings (e.g. invitations, assistance with travel and accommodation and payment);
  • technical support for website development and for live streaming of workshops and the organisation of webinars;
  • support and guidance from a designated external ECML programme consultant for the entire duration of the project.

Forthcoming events

19 March 2015, Helsinki, Finland

"Languages at the heart of learning": Event in Finland for the promotion of the ECML Call for submissions 2016-2019
Organisation: Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE)
Programme (in Finnish):
Programme and registration: and

20 March 2015, Riga, Latvia

"Languages at the heart of learning": Event in Latvia for the promotion of the ECML Call for submissions 2016-2019 (Participation of ECML staff)
Venue: National Centre for Education, Riga

27 March 2015, Dublin, Ireland

"Languages at the heart of learning": Event in Ireland for the promotion of the ECML Call for submissions 2016-2019 (Participation of ECML staff)
Venue: Dublin, Ireland
Organisation: Education Service / Léargas

27 March 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania

"Languages at the heart of learning": Event in Lithuania for the promotion of the ECML Call for submissions 2016-2019; LKPA Annual meeting (Lietuvos kalbų pedagogų asociacija)
Organisation: LKPA

For more information about the Call, see

Quick links

Council of Europe
Council of Europe news page
European Day of Languages
European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
Language Policy Unit
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Pestalozzi Programme

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ECML activities 2015
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European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Promoting excellence in language education
Centre européen pour les langues vivantes du Conseil de l´Europe
Pour l’excellence dans l’éducation aux langues

A - 8020 Graz, Nikolaiplatz 4
T +43 316 323554-20
F +43 316 323554-4

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