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ECML programme

The ECML’s programme is determined by its member states and reflects national priorities in language education.

How it works 

The ECML operates 4-year programmes focusing on key issues in language education. A programme consists of two strands: the development strand and the mediation strand.

The development strand primarily covers innovation projects which result in new resources for language professionals. In addition to projects, and usually when addressing a particularly challenging or new aspect of language education, the ECML may choose to organise a think tank, either as stand-alone event or as a way of launching a new project. The mediation strand consists of in-country Training and consultancy, as well as on activities for a wider public, such as the European Day of Languages (EDL), webinars and conferences.

ECML projects and Training and consultancy activities are coordinated by international teams of experts who:  

  • cooperate with experts from over 30 European countries;
  • provide training modules, guidelines and toolkits for teacher educators, equipping them to train others within their institutions and networks;
  • provide training and professional development opportunities for multipliers;
  • publish examples of good practice applicable in different contexts. 

How to get involved

In the preparatory stages of each programme professionals in language education are invited to submit project proposals or express interest in cooperation. Selected projects are then supported by the ECML over the full programme term. Programme activities include network meetings and workshops in Graz where participants from all member states are invited to contribute to collaborative work. ECML participants act as ‘ECML ambassadors’ in their country, not only disseminating the work of the ECML among colleagues and national networks, but considering ways in which the work can be adapted to and enhanced by national developments.

How to benefit from programme activities

Professionals working in language education can contact project teams and follow the activities on the dedicated ECML programme website where regular updates are featured.

Language experts use this unique European platform to produce practical resources for key target groups such as for teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum developers and decisionmakers.

Taking part in an ECML workshop

Individuals with a special interest in the subject area of a particular project are invited to take up contact with the ECML National Nominating Authority in their country (www.ecml.at/memberstates) so that they can be considered for participation in the corresponding project workshop.

Information on upcoming ECML events including workshop participant profiles can be found at www.ecml.at/calendar.

Programme evaluation

Continuous improvement is a key concern of the ECML. The Centre applies an evaluation scheme which promotes reflective practice in project management. The evaluation data serves as an indicator of the overall impact of the ECML programme on language education in Europe.

Current programme 2024-2027

Language education at the heart
of democracy

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Previous programmes

Programme 2020-2023

Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences

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Programme 2016-2019

Languages at the heart of learning

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Programme 2012-2015

Learning through Languages

Promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education
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Programme 2008-2011

Empowering Language Professionals

Competences – Networks – Impact – Quality
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Programme 2004-2007

Languages for Social Cohesion

The programme addressed the subject of social cohesion, one of the major challenges facing our societies at the beginning of the 21st century.
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