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ECML resources

The work of the ECML represents a collective effort and determination to enhance the quality in language education at challenging times. The publications illustrate the dedication and active involvement of all those who participated in a series of international projects and training and consultancy activities. The promotion of the programme outputs and their adaptation to different learning environments is supported through National Contact Points in each of the member states of the Centre. Read more

ECML resource
Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages

 (13 votes)

E-lang provides language teachers with resources which promote the use of “realworld tasks” in a pedagogical approach that fully integrates social interactions. E-lang ultimately supports learners to become competent and autonomous language users as well as digital citizens.


• Didactic framework Towards a socio-interactional approach to foster autonomy in language learners and users
• Webinar with concrete examples that can be implemented on web 2.0 sites, glossary, related resources
• E-lang online training platform (Moodle)
• Guide for facilitating training sessions using the e-lang modules

Why use the e-lang resources?

•To familiarise yourself with the sociointeractional approach, implemented through “real-world tasks” carried out online on participatory sites
•To learn to use digital resources and tools that help learners perform tasks and develop their autonomy by enriching their personal learning environments
•To build your own training path according to your needs, using free and open online self-study modules
•To facilitate training sessions using the e-lang modules

Target group(s): teachersteacher educators

Publication year: 2020

Author(s): Caws Catherine, Christian Ollivier, Jeanneau Catherine, Caws Catherine, Zourou Katerina, Hamel Marie-Josée, Hofmann Ulrike

Promotional documents:
Flyer (EN)
Dépliant (FR)


Available links and files:

Website (EN)

Site web (FR)

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