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    Ressources du CELV

Ressources du CELV

Le travail du CELV témoigne d'une volonté et d'un engagement collectifs pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation aux langues dans des périodes difficiles. Les publications illustrent le dévouement et l'implication active de toutes celles et de tous ceux qui ont pris part à une série de projets internationaux et d'activités de formation et de conseil. La promotion des résultats du programme et leur adaptation aux différents environnements d'apprentissage sont assurées par des points de contact nationaux dans chacun des États membres du Centre. Plus d'informations

Ressource du CELV
Promotion excellence in sign language instruction

ProSign resources integrate sign language education into Council of Europe developments in language education, especially the Common European Framework of References (CEFR). Highlights are an adaptation of the CEFR levels to sign languages in a modality neutral version, a model of a signed version of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) and approaches to assessment in this field. All information is available in International Sign and in English.


• an assessment guide with test examples for classroom based and other types of testing
• a European language portfolio (ELP) for sign languages learners and a Moodle platform
• a list of teacher competences and curriculum guidelines for teacher training
• sign language proficiency levels and background information about the CEFR

Instructions for learners – assessment structure

The development of assessments to evaluate language learners’ proficiency is the consequence of the teaching and learning of a sign language. Assessment procedures can include different test formats, such as a self-assessment test, checklists, observation or standardized language tests. These test formats can evaluate sign language comprehension, production, and interaction at different linguistic levels. The assessment of sign languages can be conceptualized in a summative and formative framework.
We understand the concept of assessment also as a didactic means to provide, for example, feedback to an in-class assignment of language learners or feedback an assignment language learners had to complete at home.

Structure eELP for sign languages

The three components language passport, language biography and dossier support the objective of the ELP.
Sign language communication is carried out both face-to-face and using video (e.g. via the internet).
Moodle offers a suitable open-source virtual learning platform ( https://moodle.prosign.ecml.at
). Using the platform, learners can classify their documents according to the categories –
comprehension, production and interaction.

Groupe(s) cible(s) : enseignantsformateurs d'enseignants

Année de publication : 2021

Auteur(s) : Christian Rathmann, van den Bogaerde Beppie, Tobias Haug, Lorraine Leeson

Documents promotionnels:
Flyer (EN)


Liens et documents disponibles :

Website (EN)

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