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The John Trim Collection

Mr Trim donated his personal collection of books and documents relating to his lifetime’s work on languages to the documentation and resource centre of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in 2004. He personally inaugurated the collection, on 16 September 2005 during celebrations for the ECML’s 10th Anniversary.

The document collection

The John Trim collection is composed of 10 085 resources: 2 437 books and 7 648 single documents which are classified in 124 archive boxes.


Document collection (7 648 reports, proceedings, studies, working documents ...)

Archive boxes on the work of the Council of Europe conducted between 1971 and 1997


124 archive boxes: overall summaries and search criteria

Searches on the collection may be performed from any of the following criteria:

List of keywords: 559 keywords have been used to describe the topics addressed in the 7 648 documents.

Overview of the 124 archive boxes: box number and name, period covered, number of documents per box.

Events: the collection covers events which were held between April 1961 and November 2002. The events are listed with the relevant archive boxes and also in chronological order.

Experts quoted: alphabetical list of experts quoted with the corresponding archive boxes.

Organisations quoted: alphabetical list of organisations, institutions, associations quoted with the corresponding archive boxes.

Years: the collection includes documents published within the period 1967-2002. The years are mentioned for each archive box and also listed chronologically.

Document types: the collection includes a wide range of document types such as abstracts, action plans, meeting documents, agreements, analyses, articles, assessment papers, bibliographies, case studies, catalogues, certificates, checklists, compendia, conclusions, recommendations, reports, course outlines, declarations, discussion papers, guidelines, language tests, lesson plans, etc. The document types are mentioned for each archive box and also listed alphabetically.

Summary descriptions of the 124 boxes (compilation of the 124 summaries).


Summaries of each individual box

In the table below you can download the list of documents of each archive box (Excel-Sheet) and the corresponding summary of contents (PDF).

Box no. 
Archive boxes Content description
and keywords
List of documents
15.01 Council of Europe documents 1961-1971 PDF Excel
15.02 Council of Europe documents 1969-1972 PDF Excel
15.03 Council of Europe documents 1970-1971 (Rüschlikon) PDF Excel
15.04 Council of Europe documents 1971-1972 PDF Excel
15.05 Council of Europe documents 1972-1973: audio-visual media, European unit credit, adult education, teacher training
PDF Excel

15.06 Council of Europe documents 1972-1974 / St. Wolfgang (1973) PDF Excel

15.07 Council of Europe documents 1972-1973 PDF Excel

15.08 Council of Europe documents 1973 PDF Excel

15.09 Council of Europe documents 1974 PDF Excel
15.10 Council of Europe documents 1975-1976 PDF Excel

16.11 Council of Europe documents 1976-1978 PDF Excel
16.12 Council of Europe documents 1978-1980 PDF Excel
16.13  Council of Europe documents 1980-1981 PDF Excel
16.14 Council of Europe documents 1981-1983 PDF Excel

17.15 Council of Europe documents 1983-1985 PDF Excel
17.16 Council of Europe documents 1985-1986 PDF Excel
17.17 Council of Europe documents 1986-1989 PDF Excel
17.18 Council of Europe documents 1989-1991

18.19 Council of Europe documents 1992-1993 PDF Excel
18.20 Council of Europe documents 1993-1995 PDF Excel
18.21 Council of Europe documents 1994-1995 PDF Excel
18.22 Council of Europe documents 1995-1997 PDF Excel
18.23 Council of Europe documents 1993 / 1996-2001 PDF Excel

19.24 Council of Europe – Languages for special purposes
PDF Excel
19.25 Council of Europe – Münchner Informationswoche
PDF Excel
19.26 Council of Europe – Swedish materials
PDF Excel
19.27 Council of Europe Unit Credit Project – General I
PDF Excel
19.28 Council of Europe Unit Credit Scheme – General II
PDF Excel

20.29 Council of Europe Modern Languages Project:
Objectives Specifications 691/3b: Documents A-G (1976-1979)
PDF Excel
20.30 Council of Europe Modern Languages Project:
Objectives Specifications 691/3b: Documents I-S (1977-1981)
PDF Excel
20.31 Council of Europe pilot projects 1973-1977 PDF Excel
20.32 Threshold Level for French PDF Excel
20.33 Council of Europe Threshold Level: French, German, Spanish; Dutch Certificate PDF Excel
20.34 Council of Europe Unit-Credit correspondence I. 1969-1973 PDF Excel

21.35 Portfolio papers – I PDF Excel
21.36 Council of Europe Threshold for schools, Nuffield Syllabuses PDF Excel
21.37 Estonia. Classification in linguistics papers by Robins, Haas, Bazell and Halliday PDF Excel
21.38 Threshold Level Russian (1989-1995) PDF Excel
21.39 Threshold Level Welsh (1994) PDF Excel
21.40 Tms Turkey visit Feb 87 (1985-1987) PDF Excel

22.41 Council of Europe papers on the Common European Framework for Language Learning and Teaching PDF Excel
22.42 Council of Europe Unit-Credit Project.
Testing and Evaluation I
PDF Excel
22.43 Council of Europe Unit-Credit Project.
Testing and Evaluation II
PDF Excel
22.44 Council of Europe Framework papers 2 PDF Excel
22.45 T-Levels Greek, Maltese, Friulian, Italian (revised), Gaelic, Hungarian, Czech PDF Excel

23.46 Council of Europe Latvia papers I PDF Excel
23.47 Latvia Papers 2 including T-level Latvian PDF Excel
23.48 Council of Europe. Multi-media Project PDF Excel
23.49 Council of Europe papers 1988-1989 PDF Excel
23.50 Meetings 1988-9 PDF Excel
23.51 HELLO! PDF Excel
23.52 Council of Europe Sintra Symposium November 1989 PDF Excel

24.53 Council of Europe papers for Consolidated Report on workshops

24.54 Council of Europe. Unit-credit project. Threshold level PDF Excel
24.55 Curriculum Development Conference Soest 1993 PDF Excel
24.56 Media systems PDF Excel
24.57 Spanish multi-media PDF Excel

25.58 Analysis of objectives. Levels of proficiency. Educational technology. Migrant workers. PDF Excel
25.59 CDCC & Committee of Ministers Papers
PDF Excel
25.60  Council of Europe Project Group No. 12 – 5th Meeting of Modern Languages Group
PDF Excel
25.61 Evaluation and reports on progress of Project 12 
PDF Excel
25.62 Language teaching in industry
PDF Excel

25.63 The Threshold Level, Dr. J.A. van Ek PDF Excel
Threshold Level preparatory papers

25.65 Reports from Norwegian workshop participants PDF Excel

25.66 T-Level grammatical inventory for English PDF Excel
25.67 Second International Congress of Applied Linguistics 1969 PDF Excel
25.68 Nuffield Foundation Foreign Languages Teaching Materials Project (NFFLTMP). German Section Linguistic Activities. Transcriptions of tape-recordings made in München and York March/April 1967 PDF Excel
25.69 Nuffield Foundation Foreign Languages Teaching Materials Project (NFFLTMP). Transcripts from Hannover, Berlin, Heidelberg. PDF Excel
25.70 New Member States; Hawkins & James – Needs in the UK PDF Excel
25.71 Needs analysis. T-Level & Waystage revision 1990
PDF Excel

26.72 Workshops 1/85, 1/86, 3/86 PDF Excel
26.73 Workshops 5/84, 5/86, 6/86 PDF Excel
26.74 Workshops 7/86, 10/86, 11/86 PDF Excel
26.75 Workshops 11/86, 12/86, 13/86, 15/86 PDF Excel

27.76 Council of Europe – New Style Workshops General
PDF Excel
27.77 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 1
PDF Excel
27.78 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 2
PDF Excel
27.79 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 4 PDF Excel
27.80 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 5 & 6 PDF Excel
27.81 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 7 PDF Excel

28.82 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 1 & 3
PDF Excel
28.83 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 8
PDF Excel
28.84 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 9 & 10
PDF Excel
28.85 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 11
PDF Excel
28.86 Council of Europe Action Programme 12
PDF Excel
28.87 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 13
PDF Excel
28.88 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 14
PDF Excel
28.89 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 15
PDF Excel
28.90 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 17
PDF Excel
28.91 Council of Europe – New Style Workshop 18
PDF Excel

Council of Europe Portfolio papers 1992-1997

29.93 Council of Europe Portfolio papers 1998-2000
PDF Excel

30.94 Council of Europe Statutes Cultural Convention PDF Excel
30.95 Council of Europe Final Report 1996
PDF Excel
30.96  Final Conference 1997
PDF Excel
30.97 User guides to Framework
PDF Excel

31.98 Council for Cultural Cooperation (CDCC) – Papers from meetings
PDF Excel
31.99 Papers regarding Waystage, Threshold and Vantage levels general and English
PDF Excel
31.100 Papers on Basque, Czech, Galician, French, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Irish, Italian Threshold Levels
PDF Excel
31.101 Papers on Russian Threshold Level
PDF Excel

32.102 European Year of Languages
PDF Excel
Rüschlikon Symposium
PDF Excel
32.104 Papers on Hungarian, German, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian Threshold Level
PDF Excel
32.105 Common European Framework papers 1991-2000
PDF Excel
32.106 Common European Framework – Papers on scales & descriptors | Papers on user guide | Consultation on Draft I (1995-1996) | Trialling 1998
PDF Excel

33.107 Council of Europe future developments
PDF Excel
33.108 Examination syllabuses I
PDF Excel

34.109 Syllabus design and examination – Box 1 
PDF Excel
34.110 Syllabus design and examination – Box 2
PDF Excel
34.111 Papers on testing I
PDF Excel
34.112 Papers on testing II
PDF Excel

35.113 UNESCO PDF Excel
35.114 Papers regarding Unit-Credit Scheme for Adult Language Learning
PDF Excel
35.115 1980-1989 papers
PDF Excel

36.116 Catalan Project papers – Box 1
PDF Excel
36.117 Catalan Project papers – Box 2
PDF Excel
36.118 1990-2001 papers PDF Excel

37.119 Papers on media and teacher training
PDF Excel
37.120 Papers regarding Compendium for teacher training
PDF Excel

38.121 Swedish papers on migrants 1974-1979 |
Council of Europe publications on adult and permanent education 1973-1980 |
Papers from Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education (Dublin, May 1983) |
Council for Cultural Cooperation documents 1976-1985 |
Council of Europe documents 1988-1989 |
Publications from the Council of Europe Steering Group on Educational Technology 1972-1976
PDF Excel

39.122 Consultation process on the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning and teaching PDF Excel

40.123 Portfolio PDF Excel

FCE – First Certificate exams in English

PDF Excel