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Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and bilingual education are increasingly popular across Europe. The ECML supports CLIL teachers and teacher trainers not only to take account of and strengthen the language component in subject learning but to focus on the development of cognitive and academic literacies.

Council of Europe Resources
Other Resources
Training and consultancyCLIL and beyond (pluriliteracies)

European Commission resources

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CLIL/EMILE – The European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential

This report comprises analysis, observations, comment and recommendations on CLIL/EMILE with respect to recent literature, actions, and developments in pre-primary, primary, general secondary, secondary vocational and further education. It analyses results of experimentation and outlines the extent to which the approach is used in Europe. Comment and conclusions focus on the relevance of CLIL/EMILE for the European Commission’s overall language objectives, the potential of the approach for improving the quality of foreign language teaching, and increasing the number of successful foreign language learners. It presents examples of innovation and good practice, defines conditions for successful extension, and makes proposals for further developments in this area at the European and national levels.

Available in English.

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Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at school in Europe

The present Eurydice survey reflects a first ‘European’ insight into content and language integrated learning. It is a means of assessing attempts at all levels to promote new methodologies in language learning. It contains a detailed analysis of how the provision of CLIL is organised, the status of the target languages, the subjects concerned in the curriculum, and measures for the training and recruitment of appropriate teachers, the shortage of whom is identified as one of the main barriers to implementing this type of tuition. This original and rich appraisal is unquestionably an essential reference source on CLIL.

Available in 8 languages.

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Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): A Development Trajectory

This thesis overview aims to describe the inter-relatedness of CLIL with respect to good educational practice and new insights through certain studies of the mind and brain which influence our understanding of educational practices. Thus it attempts to give attention to some aspects of the forces that have enabled the development trajectory to be driven. This is an attempt to explain, for the first time, how and why this particular innovation became established in educational practice internationally in respect to selected driving forces.

Available in English.

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CLIL for young learners and parents: Using Languages to Learn and Learning to Use Languages

This publication is a clear and concise introduction to CLIL: what it is, how it works and how it improves foreign language learning.

Available in English.

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Profiling European CLIL Classrooms: Languages Open Doors (European platform for Dutch education & University of Jyväskylä)

This book provides a description of five CLIL dimensions relating to culture, environment, language, content, and learning, as found in schools and colleges across Europe. Each of these dimensions comprises differing focus points that are realised according to a number of major factors, such as age-range, sociolinguistic environment, and the degree of exposure to CLIL.

Available in English and French

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