048.2003 - BULGARIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by Sofia University in partnership with organisations in 5 different European countries.
Country: Bulgaria Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students Young people (in general)
Bulgarian English French German Italian
Adult Post-secondary
Author(s): Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Model for learners in vocational sectors
This portfolio is not available for download here.
071.2006 - CROATIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Croatian schools by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
Country: Croatia Publication year: 2006 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatia Model for learners aged 11-15
This portfolio is not available for download here.
078.2006 - CROATIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Croatian secondary schools by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
Country: Croatia Publication year: 2006 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatia Model for learners aged from 15 to 19
This portfolio is not available for download here.
081.2006 - CROATIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Croatian primary schools by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
Country: Croatia Publication year: 2006 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatia Model for learners aged from 7 to 10
This portfolio is not available for download here.
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Czech secondary schools by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
Country: Czechia Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Upper secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic Model for learners in upper-secondary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for use by adult learners of foreign languages.
Country: Czechia Publication year: 2004 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students
Adult Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic Model for adult learners
This portfolio is not available for download here.
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Czech lower secondary schools by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
Country: Czechia Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Czech Republic Model for learners in lower secondary education aged 11-15 years old
This portfolio is not available for download here.
045.2003 - GEORGIA
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Georgian secondary schools by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Country: Georgia Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Upper secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education and Science Georgia Model for learners aged 15+
This portfolio is not available for download here.
87.2007 - POLAND
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Polish primary and pre-primary educational settings.
Country: Poland Publication year: 2007 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Pre-primary Primary
Author(s): Osrodek Rozwoju Edukacji Model for very young learners aged 3 to 6
This portfolio is not available for download here.
62.2004 - POLAND
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in secondary schools in Poland.
Country: Poland Publication year: 2004 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Primary
Author(s): Osrodek Rozwoju Edukacji Model for learners aged 10-15
This portfolio is not available for download here.
016.2001 - HUNGARY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Hungarian primary schools by the Ministry of Culture (now part of the Ministry of National Resources).
Country: Hungary Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Ministry of Culture Hungary Model for learners in primary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
017.2001 - HUNGARY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use by adult learners of foreign languages by the Hungarian Ministry of Culture (now part of the Ministry of National Resources).
Country: Hungary Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students
Adult Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): Ministry of Culture Hungary Model for adults
This portfolio is not available for download here.
108.2010 - ELPBVI
The electronic European Language Portfolio for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ELPBVI) is aimed at visually impaired adult users aged 16 or above. The ELPBVI adopts principles outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and at the same time considers the specific needs of target users in terms of content and navigation. The ELPBVI can be used by totally blind learners with the help of screen readers transforming text to speech as well as by partially sighted users through font enlarging facilities. The ELPBVI user can choose between five identical language versions: English, German, Greek, Bulgarian and Italian.
For more information please visit the project website.
Country: Please select Publication year: 2010 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students
Bulgarian English German Greek Italian
Adult Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): Euroinform Bulgaria, International Certificate Conference, Helios School for the Blind of Northern Greece, BFI Steiermark, Language Training London, National Association of Blind Entrepreneurs Bulgaria Model for the Blind and Visually Impaired ELPBVI
010.2001 - IRELAND
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in Irish secondary schools, and is published by Authentik.
Country: Ireland Publication year: 2001 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Authentik Ireland Model for learners in post-primary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
025.2002 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in secondary schools in the region of Umbria, Italy.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2002 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Ufficio Scolastico Regione Umbria-Perugia Model for learners in lower secondary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
026.2002 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in primary schools in the Italian region of Piedmont.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2002 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Italy Model for learners in primary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
030.2002 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in secondary schools in the Italian region of Lombardy.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2002 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
Lower secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Italy Model for learners in lower secondary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
040.2003 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed by the University of Calabria for use by students at institutions of higher education.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
General public Language learners Students
Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage)
Author(s): University of Calabria Model for learners in higher education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
049.2003 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in primary schools in Italy.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Italy Model for learners in primary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
054.2003 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in upper secondary, further and higher education in Italy.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2003 Target group(s):
Adults (in general) General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students
Adult Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Tertiary (second stage) Upper secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Italy Model for learners aged 15+ and adults
This portfolio is not available for download here.
064.2004 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in upper secondary, further and higher education in Italy.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2004 Target group(s):
General public Language learners Participants in adult education programmes Students Young people (in general)
Lower secondary Post-secondary Tertiary (first stage) Upper secondary
Author(s): Ministry of Education, Universities and Research Italy Model for learners aged 14-20
This portfolio is not available for download here.
065.2004 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in primary schools in the Autonomous Region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2004 Target group(s):
Children General public Language learners pupils
German Italian
Author(s): Autonomous Province of Bolzano South Tyrol Model for learners in primary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
069.2005 - ITALY
This model of the European Language Portfolio was developed for use in secondary schools in the Autonomous Region of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol.
Country: Italy Publication year: 2005 Target group(s):
General public Language learners pupils Young people (in general)
German Italian
Lower secondary
Author(s): Autonomous Province of Bolzano South Tyrol Model for learners in lower secondary education
This portfolio is not available for download here.
99.2009 - Austria
Das Portfolio wurde für 6- bis 10-Jährige nach europaweit verbindlichen Richtlinien des Europarates entwickelt.
Das Portfolio ...
- soll Kindern helfen, sich der sprachlichen Vielfalt ihrer Umgebung bewusst zu werden, vom Dialekt über die Umgangs- und Standardsprache zu Fremdsprachen;
- soll die Grundlagen für eigenständiges Lernen und Selbsteinschätzung von Kompetenzen im Verlaufvon vier Jahren legen helfen;
- soll Können und Fortschritte dokumentieren und ermöglicht die Wertschätzung aller Schulsprachen und auch jener, die die Kinder in ihren Familien sprechen;
- ermutigt die Kinder, auch persönliche Erfahrungen im Kontakt mit anderen Kulturen zu dokumentieren;
- soll schrittweise zur Reflexion des eigenen (Sprach-) Lernverhaltens hinführen und dadurch effiziente Lernstrategien für die weiterführenden Schulen und fürs ganze Leben entwickeln helfen.
An das ESP für die Grundschule schließt das Mittelstufenportfolio (10- bis 15-Jährige) an, gefolgt vom ESP für junge Erwachsene (ESP 15+), sodass die SchülerInnen dieses Lernbegleitinstrument durch ihre gesamte Schulzeit und darüber hinaus nutzen können.
For more information and to purchase a copy of this portfolio, please visit the website of the Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum (in German only).
Country: Austria Publication year: 2009 Target group(s):
English French German
Author(s): Maria Felberbauer, Silvia Grabner, Arnold Gritsch, Christine Junek, Deborah Pelzmann Model for children (aged 6-10)
88.2007 - Austria
Das Europäische Sprachenportfolio für junge Erwachsene (ESP 15+) …
- wurde speziell für Spracheninteressierte ab 15 Jahren entwickelt, ist also geeignet für Lernende in der Sekundarstufe II, in weiterführenden Bildungsbereichen (z.B. an Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Pädagogischen Hochschulen) sowie für Sprachenlernende, die bereits einen Berufsweg eingeschlagen haben;
- wurde im Hinblick auf die Verwendung im allgemein bildenden sowie berufsbildenden Schulbereich konzipiert und hat somit einen dualen Ansatz, der Lehrplaninhalte der Allgemeinbildung und der beruflichen Bildung unterstützt;
- führt die Schülerinnen und Schüler zur Erreichung von jenen Niveaustufen, die es laut Lehrplänen zu erreichen gilt;
- unterstützt die Lernenden beim Erwerb von Methodenkompetenz und handlungsorientierter (Fremd-)Sprachenkompetenz;
- dient der größtmöglichen Entfaltung des individuellen Leistungspotenzials durch Fokussierung auf realistische Ziele.
Die Verwendung eines Europäischen Sprachenportfolios ist somit eine wesentliche Bereicherung im Sprachenunterricht und beim persönlichen Spracherwerb.
For more information and to purchase a copy of this portfolio, please visit the website of the Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum (in German only).
Country: Austria Publication year: 2007 Target group(s):
Language learners
English French German
Upper secondary
Author(s): Gunther Abuja, Franz Mittendorfer, Eva Annau, Siegfried Ganster, Anita Keiper, Isolde Mayer-Tauschitz, Margarete Nezbeda, Belinda Steinhuber, Gabriele Winkler Model for learners aged 15+
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