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Teacher and learner competences

Key issues central to teacher education are, on the one hand, the range of competences that learners need to develop and, on the other, the role that teachers can play in supporting their development. The focus on enhancing and expanding language teacher competences in response to learners’ needs and to our complex and ever-changing society lies at the heart of ECML activities.

Council of Europe Resources
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Other resources

European Profile for language teacher education

The Profile is designed as a resource for European, national and institutional policy makers in the field of teacher education. The Profile contains 40 items describing important elements in foreign language teacher education in Europe.
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The Eaquals framework for teacher training and development

This brochure offers a comprehensive guide to ‘The European Profile for Language Teacher Education - A Frame of Reference’. It outlines each item in full and presents a number of strategies for its implementation and practical application.
View Eaquals framework

European Profiling Grid

The profiling grid is a tool for mapping and assessing language teacher competencies internationally. It contains sets of descriptors organised over six stages of professional experience as a language teacher (novice to very experienced) and summarises the main competencies of language teachers and the background in training and experience that would be expected at each stage.
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Publication about the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages

Newby, D. (ed.) (2012) Insights into the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of LanguagesNewcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

This book explores the theoretical principles which underlie the EPOSTL – reflection, learner autonomy, intercultural awareness etc. – and examines the relationship between EPOSTL and other key resources – CEFR, ELP, European Profile. It also includes case studies on how EPOSTL is used in teacher education.