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    Council of Europe resources

New Media in Language Education

What is the impact of the digital revolution on language learning and teaching? The almost universal use of the internet, of smartphones and of connectivity has opened up enormous opportunities for language learning and teaching. However the same opportunities also present many challenges. ECML projects over several programmes have addressed the issue of developing teachers’ digital skills and their critical awareness of online teaching resources so that these can be integrated effectively into teaching.

Council of Europe Resources
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Council of Europe resources

12 items found for "Browse All"
Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources

Freely available online tools and open educational resources for language teaching and learning. The inventory contains a list of tools that have been evaluated with sound pedagogical criteria in mind. These criteria have been developed by teachers for teachers and provide essential information so that you can select appropriate applications and use them with your learners.

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Towards a socio-interactional approach to foster autonomy in language learners and users

This book has been produced as part of the e-lang project “Digital literacy for the teaching and learning of languages” (project of the European Centre for Modern Languages within its “Languages at the heart of learning” programme 2016-2019). It is intended for language teachers and future language teachers, as well as researchers interested in this topic who wish to explore the pedagogical principles of the e-lang project.

Available in English and French

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DOTS – Developing Online Teaching Skills

A training kit for language teachers which promotes up-to-date online teaching technology including bite-size activities for online language teacher training, suggestions for reflective activities and collaborative tools for sharing "self-training" experiences.

Available in English and German.

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DOTS Training Kit

The DOTS training kit is a tool for language teachers which promotes up-to-date online teaching technology including bite-size activities for online language teacher training, suggestions for reflective activities and collaborative tools for sharing "self-training" experiences.

Available in English and German.

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DOTS Moodle Workspace

The DOTS moodle workspace is a forum  for teachers and teachers trainers which allows them to exchange ideas and learn more about the DOTS training tools.

Available in 20 languages.

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E-VOLLution – Exploring cutting edge applications of networked technologies in Vocationally Oriented Language Learning

The website and publication are targeted at teachers and teacher-trainers in VOLL (Vocationally Oriented Language Learning). They explain the background to the different aspects of ICT inVOLL, describe the steps involved in carrying out various ICT-based activities and provide practical examples and links to case studies on the VOLL website.

Available in English.

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BLOGS – Web journals in language education

The purpose of the BLOGS project was to adapt the idea of web journals to language educational use. The book describes how web journals can contribute to the development of writing skills and gives guidance on how to set up and run a BLOG platform. The ideas in the project were tried out by over 600 users in many countries around Europe and a platform was created and made available on the Internet with a General Public Licence.

Available in English.

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Using Technology in the Classroom

This video was shown at the ‘Quality Education and Languages Competences for 21st Century Society’ Conference, held in Graz in March 2014. The theme of the video is the use of technology in the classroom. It also explores how education systems are changing to accommodate a new generation of ‘digital natives’ who learn through technology.

Video available in English.

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LQuest – LanguageQuests

LanguageQuests are designed to promote an integrated approach to communicative, realistic and functional second language acquisition (SLA). The work of this project will focus on the implementation and dissemination of this concept, covering methodology as well as ICT, materials development and course design and aiming especially at the potential and impact of ICT and new forms of collaborative work on language education.

Available in English.

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Web literacy

The essential problem for a teacher using the web is how to retain the information he/she has come across and assessed as valuable for his/her students. There is a variety of ways of doing this, from the most transient to the most durable, from the least damaging to the most dishonest. When we point at a given resource, we respect its creators, virtually advertising for what they have contributed.

Available in English

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Information and communication technologies and young language learners

This publication describes a project, which aimed at integrating web-based communication with a thematic story approach to teaching a foreign language to 8 to 10 year-olds. The aim was to encourage the use of the World Wide Web as a medium over which children could publish their language productions to an audience of peers from participating schools in 21 European countries.

Available in English and French

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Information and communication technologies in vocationally oriented language learning

New technologies have become the predominant influence on the way we live and work at the beginning of the new millennium. The aim of the ICT in VOLL project was to consider the potential new technologies have to offer for the creation of innovative learning environments for language training for professional and specific (vocationally oriented) purposes.

Available in English

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