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Apr 2025

Enhancing language learning and teaching through Action Research Communities for language teachers
ECML training and consultancy for member States
Training workshop
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Enhancing language learning and teaching through action research communities for language teachers

ECML related themes


This offer is built upon the results of the ARC-project which offers language teachers an action re-search framework to motivate changes, innovations and improvements to practice. Primary, sec-ondary and higher education language teachers and subject teachers working through an L2 as well as pre-service teachers will discover how teaching and learning can be enhanced through action re-search whilst focusing on specific aspects of language teaching (such as communicative activities and strategies, student motivation, intercultural competences, CLIL….).

This training & consultancy activity is a result of the project "Action research communities for language teachers".

Target groups

  • Primary and secondary language teachers 
  • Higher education language teachers 
  • Secondary and tertiary teachers working through an L2 
  • Pre-service teachers

Results and benefits

  • An understanding of the benefits of action research to gain deeper insights into ways forward in teacher development. 
  • New ideas and perspectives on the theme in focus. 
  • Possibility to build networks (action research project and/or practice groups exchanging on different aspects of language teaching). 
  • Awareness of how to plan, develop and carry out an action research project.

Take a look at examples of case studies produced by participants of ECML training and consultancy events.

Training and consultancy offer
Action research

Trainings can be conducted in English or German.

This offer is targeted at primary and secondary language teachers, higher education language teachers, secondary and tertiary teachers working through an L2, pre-service teachers and teacher educators.

Format of activity

The focal activities will be workshops held in national contexts. Ideally, the workshops would be two-day events providing theoretical input on action research and on the theme in focus as well as practical, trialed models. There will be opportunities to work in a practical way and participants will be offered a framework to implement in their classes. Follow-up: team members will engage in online coaching for action research projects.

How the activity can be adapted and tailored to specific contexts and needs

Intended as a framework activity to include different themes, the thematic area(s) will be tailored according to needs and expectations of hosts. The workshop in question would be held by two team members competent in the subject area and include teachers working with different age groups.

It is intended to hold the main workshop face-to-face. There will be a virtual pre-workshop session as well as follow-up support online and a final online session during which participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences with action research.

Expected cooperation from local organisers requesting this offer

  • Clear outline of the specific area requested.
  • Prior to the workshop clear information about practices within the thematic area and action research in the country. 
  • Advance information about the school level(s) and subjects of participants.

see also: Practical information

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