Preparing meetings
General information on Managing national training events
Tips for web-based Training and consultancy events
Powerpoint templates:
- Action research communities (ARC) EN - FR- DE
- Beyond CLIL – Pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning EN - FR
- Fostering digital citizenship through language education (e-lang CITIZEN) EN - FR - DE
- Learning environments where modern languages flourish (EOL) EN - FR
- Plurilingual and intercultural approaches (FREPA) EN - FR
- ICT in language teaching and learning (ICT-REV) EN - FR
- Language for work EN - FR
- The CEFR Companion Volume: Mediation and other key concepts (MEDVitBox) EN - FR
- Testing and assessment - Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the CEFR EN - FR
- Supporting the language(s) of schooling (ROADMAP) EN - FR
- Young migrants - Supporting multilingual classrooms EN -FR
- Post-event evaluation forms for participants: EN - FR (for face-to-face events)
- Post-event evaluation forms for participants EN - FR (for online events)
About the ECML
Visibility kit