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    Managing Training and consultancy events

Managing training and consultancy events

A Training and consultancy event is a 2-day training workshop in an ECML member state conducted by 2 members of a TaC team.

Duration: 2 days plus 1 day preparatory meeting for the moderating experts and the local organiser
Minimum number of participants: 20
Venue: in the requesting ECML member state
Interpretation is not provided by the ECML. The local organisers might be providing interpretation according to the working languages chosen by local organisers in consultation with ECML TaC team members.

Fee, travel and subsistence is provided by the ECML for 2 team members.

The following overview lists essential tasks related to managing this event.

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About the ECML

Guidelines for submitting news items and articles

Guidelines for submitting news items and articles to the ECML (for the European Language Gazette, social media ...): EN - FR



  • Post-event evaluation forms for participants (for information only): EN FR

Powerpoint templates

  • Action research communities (ARC) EN FR - DE
  • Beyond CLIL – Pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning EN - FR
  • Fostering digital citizenship through language education (e-lang CITIZEN) EN - FR - DE
  • Learning environments where modern languages flourish (EOL) EN - FR
  • Plurilingual and intercultural approaches (FREPA) EN - FR
  • ICT in language teaching and learning (ICT-REV) EN FR
  • Language for work EN FR
  • The CEFR Companion Volume: Mediation and other key concepts (MEDVitBox) EN FR
  • Testing and assessment - Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the CEFR  EN FR
  • Supporting the language(s) of schooling (ROADMAP) EN - FR
  • Young migrants - Supporting multilingual classrooms EN FR

Visibility kit

    Checklist for ECML Training and consultancy events: 

    • for the local organisers EN - FR
    • for the ECML expert teams EN - FR
Online reference documents