Gazette 19 - September 2013 |
Welcome to the European Language Gazette!
Dear readers,
Welcome to the first issue of a newly designed
Gazette. This more concise format will help us to communicate
on a more frequent and targeted way with the language education
The newsletter will be published on a flexible basis and will
in particular focus on major events and occurrences.
In this edition of the newsletter:
- European Day of Languages 2013
- ECML programme 2012-2015: latest developments
- Cooperation
- Social media
- Resources
- Council of Europe developments related to
- European Wergeland Centre (EWC): Share &
- Quick links
European Day of Languages 2013

The European Day of Languages is for Everybody!
On the 2013 Day of Languages, we would like to inform you
of some of the many new developments this year. Hundreds,
if not thousands, of creative and innovative activities are
taking place around the continent in and around the 26 September.
Over 500 events are currently registered in the EDL calendar
and Austria is set to host its 1000th ever EDL event. In fact,
the Day has gone well beyond the borders of Europe and this
year is also celebrated through activities taking place in
every one of the world’s continents (with events in
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Malaysia and the United
Arab Emirates to name but a few). In the Council
of Europe statement, Ólöf Ólafsdóttir,
the Council of Europe’s Director of Democratic Citizenship
and Participation, describes the Day as “an occasion
to celebrate all languages present in Europe, also those with
non-European origins used on a daily basis around the continent.
With some 225 indigenous languages in Europe and between 6000-7000
languages spoken around the world, the Day is a reminder of
the many benefits of language learning, not least to further
develop cognitive competences, break down cultural barriers
and open the door to new friendships and professional opportunities.”
Both the European Commission and the Council of Europe support
the European Day of Languages. Androulla Vassiliou, European
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth,
stated that: "The European Day of Languages is the
day when we celebrate Europe's linguistic diversity and the
benefits of language learning. We stand for both because linguistic
diversity is a fundamental part of our European cultural identity
– and the ability to speak different languages is a
passport to a world of opportunities". (
What is new?
- The EDL website is now in 25 languages: : Albanian, Armenian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish.
- New fun and games: we have introduced a new range of games and activities which anyone can play or contribute to:
- ‘Animal sounds’ (postcards with animal motifs and sounds in a range of languages);
- ‘Unique words’ (to a particular language);
- ‘Palindromes’ (words and sentences that read the same backwards);
- ‘Longest words’ in languages;
- ‘Tongue twisters’ (that are difficult for native speakers and learners alike!);
- ‘ Idioms of the world’ (often using very different metaphors to express the same concept);
- ‘Brain games’: based on cyrillic and latin characters
- ‘Celebrities speaking languages’ (discovering that their favourite film star is fluent in a foreign language might just be the motivation a child needs to develop a passion for language learning!)
- Vote for this year’s most innovative event
! Anyone visiting the website can vote for what they regard
as the most innovative EDL event for 2013. This can be due
to its creativity, transferability or just because it truly
represents the spirit of the Day. There will be a small prize
for the organizer of the event which receives the most votes.
Voting is simple - just click on the ‘thumbs up’
icon beside your chosen event. Voting is now open
for one month from 20 September – 20 October.
The winner will be announced in November (see:
- EDL on Facebook –
in addition to the Facebook group on the European Day of
Languages on the ECML Facebook page ( there will be a series of posts on and around the Day,
presenting the new features on the EDL website.
Some useful addresses to resources on the website
Calendar of activities: find out what is going on around
Europe and the world on the EDL from “ Le lingue della
nostra scuola” to “Language Village 2013”,
“ Das kunterbunte Sprachenfrühstück”
to “Lange Nacht der Sprachen” and “My
language -my love, your language - my pleasure” there
is an event for everyone at some time of the day or night!
- The Council
of Europe EDL video clip featured on the main page of
the website
- Assess
your own language skills: The 'Self-evaluate your language
skills' game helps you to assess your level of proficiency
in the languages you know according to six reference levels
defined within the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR).
- Language
facts : discover some interesting facts and figures
relating to Europe’s languages
- Frequently
Asked Questions section on sign languages
- Language
Quiz: newly developed quiz to test your knowledge on
- ‘Talk
to me’ game: identify which language is spoken
in which countries
- ‘Hello’
in 40 (or more) languages (audio file)
- Language
treasures: a list of words from different languages,
submitted by visitors which no translation can do justice
- Teachshare:
shared teaching materials and resources related to the European
Day of Languages
Special EDL event of the Graz Language Network
The Graz Language Network (Sprachennetzwek Graz) brings
together leading institutions in the field of languages
- with the European Centre for Modern Languages at the core
of the network. The partners within the Network will celebrate
together the European Day of Languages in Graz on the 'Island
in the river Mur' on 26 September. The event is aimed at a
non-expert broader public and seeks to motivate everyone to
take an interest in languages - the motto of the event being
'Talk to me'. All partners within the Language Network are
committed to plurilingualism and measures to support it's
The event also represents an opportunity to make visitors
aware of the fact that the European Day is coordinated in
Europe- and even world-wide by the European Centre for Modern
Languages and that also the Austrian partner for the Day has
its seat in this city, thus underlining the wealth of language
competence that Graz can boast which is also reflected in
the Graz Language Network (
"Sprachenfest auf der Murinsel": Programme
- Flyer
ECML programme 2012-2015:
latest developments

ECML workshops 2013 in Graz
Signed languages for professional purposes (Pro-Sign),
15-17 April 2013
Language descriptors for migrant and minority learners'
success in compulsory education' (Language descriptors),
7-8 March 2013
item on the workshop
Diversity in majority language learning- Supporting
teacher education (MALEDIVE),
14-15 February 2013
information on the event
Project website
Forthcoming ECML workshops
Languages in corporate quality (LINCQ),
21-22 November 2013
European portfolio for student teachers of pre-primary
education (Préélémentaire),
12-13 December 2013
ECML training and consultancy for member states
This activity format launched in 2012 is intended to respond
to the needs of the Centre's member states requesting support
for developments in language education, in particular in language
assessment. The format and content of these activities is shaped to meet local needs and
expectations. To date activities within the scheme are offered
in five areas: on-line technology for lifelong language
education; testing and assessment in language
education; education of young migrants and
the language of schooling; education of adult
migrants; plurilingual education.
More information on ECML training and consultancy events and how to request
these activities

Agreement between the ECML and the European Commission
In May 2013 the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
of the Council of Europe and the European Commission Directorate-General
for Education and Culture signed a contribution agreement
on 'Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning'.
This joint management agreement covers a period of 12 months.
The action will include two initiatives:
- ICT tools for language teaching and learning: This
will aim at identifying the most efficient and accessible
ICT tools available in support of language teaching and learning;
- Linking language exams to the CEFR levels: The
second initiative will focus on the ways and means of incorporating
the levels of competence of the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the examinations taken
at national level and will help educational authorities to
relate language examinations to the levels of proficiency
defined in the CEFR.
Website: English
- French
Partnership with Moscow State Linguistic University
In April 2013 the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
of the Council of Europe and the Moscow State Linguistic University
signed a partnership agreement which represents the first
of its kind for the ECML and a formal way of increasing expert
contacts between the ECML and MSLU. The cooperation will focus
in particular on two ECML projects:
- Signed
languages for professional purposes (PRO-Sign): The
project will establish European standards for signed language
proficiency for professional purposes, focusing specifically
on sign language teaching in Deaf Studies and Sign Language
Interpreting programmes.
- Developing
migrants' language competences at work (Language for Work):
This project will create a European network for professional
development of teachers of migrant workers learning the majority
language. It will produce a web-based resource centre for
languages in the workplace, which comprises a toolkit of practical
resources for planning language training provision, with examples
of good practice and quality criteria and samples of teaching
The INGO Professional Network Forum on language education
– Key issues in language education today
Report of the 4th annual meeting (Graz on 7 February 2013):
Updated flyer: English
- French
pages relating to the Professional Network Forum
Social media

The ECML now has its own Facebook
page and Twitter
Join us on our Facebook and Twitter pages, where you will
not only find news and updates on our ECML activities, projects
and publications, but also news from the Centre's partners
and other leading organisations in the field of language education,
as well as a selection of articles in different languages
about language education. So please 'Like' and 'Follow us'
by clicking the links above and feel free to leave comments
and share!
Latest ECML publications
2012 Annual Report of the ECML:
Bernaus, Mercèdes et al., Plurilinguisme
et pluriculturalisme dans l'enseignement d'une matière
– Kit de formation, 2012
Also available in English
Candelier, Michel et al., CARAP – FREPA –
framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages
and cultures, 2012
Also available in French
and Italian
Cortier, Claude, Cavalli, Marisa et al., Langues
régionales/minoritaires dans l'éducation bi-/plurilingue
– Langues d'ici, langues d'ailleurs, 2012 (French
Fischer, Johann et al., Evaluer
par les tâches les langues à fins spécifiques
à l'université: un guide, 2012
Also available in English
Full list of publications
edited by the ECML, partner organisations and other leading
Latest web developments
and publications on the ECML: new web section.
Council of Europe developments related to languages

of Europe Recommendation on ensuring quality education
(12 December 2012)
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Council of Europe publishes report on regional or minority
languages in the Slovak Republic
The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers has made public
the third evaluation report on the application of the European
Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in the Slovak Republic.
It entered into force in the Slovak Republic in 2002. The
report has been drawn up by a committee of independent experts,
which monitors the application of the Charter. On the basis
of this report, the Council of Europe calls on the Slovak
Republic to review the legislation so that minority languages
are used in administration even if the persons belonging to
a national minority represent less than 20% of the population.
The Slovak authorities are also called upon to develop further
minority language education and to improve the training of
teachers for this field. Furthermore, Romani should be taught
on a large scale and measures be pursued to abolish the unjustified
enrolments of Roma children in separate schools or classes.
The Slovak authorities are further requested to take steps
so that more public radio and television programmes are broadcast
in the minority languages. The Council of Europe also calls
on the Slovak authorities to promote in the Slovak society
awareness and tolerance in regard of all minority languages
in the country.
Council of Europe publishes report on regional or minority
languages in the Czech Republic
The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers has made public
the second evaluation report on the application of the European
Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in the Czech Republic.
It entered into force in the Czech Republic in 2007.
The report has been drawn up by a committee of independent
experts, which monitors the application of the Charter. On
the basis of this report, the Council of Europe calls on the
Czech Republic to adopt a strategy for the protection and
promotion of German, to encourage its use in public life and
to provide teaching in or of this language. The same measures
are recommended for Romani. The Czech authorities are further
requested to improve the legal framework relevant for minority
language education and for the display of bilingual place-name
signs. The Council of Europe also calls on the Czech authorities
to pursue their efforts to promote awareness and tolerance
in regard of all minority languages in the country, as well
as to ensure that the Romani-speaking children are not prohibited
or discouraged to speak their language at school.
the reports
European Wergeland Centre (EWC): Share & Connect

The European Wergeland Centre
(EWC) is a resource centre for teachers, teacher trainers,
researchers, policy makers and others in the field of education
for democratic citizenship, human rights and intercultural
understanding. EWC is a privileged partner of the Council
of Europe with a mission to build bridges between policy,
research and practice.
The EWC offers several free online services and resources.
EWC is proud to offer the new online platform Share &
Connect, an online community of practice for educators
and others promoting education for democratic citizenship,
human rights and intercultural understanding. Share &
Connect provides networking facilities and opportunities
for individuals and organizations to cooperate on projects
and share resources, events, news, calls and more - all in
one place and free for all.
A growing number of organisations working in the field of
democratic citizenship, human rights and intercultural understanding
use Share & Connect along with more than 900 members.
Visit Share
& Connect to take part!
Quick links

issues of the European Language Gazette
European Centre
for Modern Languages (ECML)
of activities 2013
online publications
Policy Unit
Pestalozzi Programme
Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
Council of Europe
Experts Database
Events Calendar