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ECML resources

The work of the ECML represents a collective effort and determination to enhance the quality in language education at challenging times. The publications illustrate the dedication and active involvement of all those who participated in a series of international projects and training and consultancy activities. The promotion of the programme outputs and their adaptation to different learning environments is supported through National Contact Points in each of the member states of the Centre. Read more

ECML resource
Helping learners learn: Exploring strategy instruction in language classrooms around Europe

Helping learners learn: Exploring strategy instruction in language classrooms across Europe is the second joint publication of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz, Austria, and the Modern Languages Division in Strasbourg, France, and as such reflects the synergy between each whereby the ECML activities support the implementation of policy developed through the projects of the Modern Languages Division in Strasbourg. The study, co-ordinated by Vee Harris, is the result of a research network established during the initial workshop in Graz in 1998 in co-operation with the Modern Languages Division of the Council of Europe and is indicative of the active emphasis placed on follow-up work by the ECML and the Modern Languages Division. A network was initiated that set out to research learner strategies in the context of the Common European Framework of Reference. After almost two years of work and two meetings of the network, this publication presents the results achieved. The publication is the second in a series of studies which represent the work carried out at the ECML within the framework of its first medium-term programme of activities (2000-2003).

Target group(s): teachersteacher educators

Publication year: 2001

Author(s): Vee Harris


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