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ECML resources

The work of the ECML represents a collective effort and determination to enhance the quality in language education at challenging times. The publications illustrate the dedication and active involvement of all those who participated in a series of international projects and training and consultancy activities. The promotion of the programme outputs and their adaptation to different learning environments is supported through National Contact Points in each of the member states of the Centre. Read more

ECML resource
Learner autonomy: The teachers' views

Learner Autonomy- The Teachers' View is the result of a research project initiated during ECML workshop No.8/97 entitled 'Aspects of Teaching Methodology in Bilingual Classes at Secondary School Level' which was held in Graz in May 1997. As the title suggests the project set out to be a research exercise which aimed to identify teachers' attitudes towards Learner Autonomy. The project set off with the hypothesis that teachers considered some areas of teaching and learning as more suitable than others for the implementation of Learner Autonomy. Teachers in several European countries were then asked to respond to questionnaires regarding their own views on Learner Autonomy. The main aim of the questionnaire was to investigate the extent to which students are responsible for their own learning. It also asked teachers whether or not their students should be involved in choices regarding, for example, the selection of their textbooks or the positioning of desks and seating arrangements. The results of the questionnaire provide educational boards with a valuable insight into contrasting teaching methodologies throughout Europe and help to identify the optimum learning conditions for students.

Target group(s): teacher educatorsdecision-makers

Publication year: 1999

Author(s): George Camilleri


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