Kinga Szmytkowska
Kinga Szmytkowska
Programme trainee
My name is Kinga Szmytkowska and I come from Poland. I came to Austria to study German Philology at the University of Vienna. Language education has been a great passion of mine for a long time and an important focus of my studies. As a programme trainee, I had the opportunity to develop these interests further. My tasks have included the preparation and follow-up of workshops, expert or network meetings, and documentation work for Training and Consultancy. As I was one of the contact points for coordinators and participants of these events, I met experts in foreign language education from all over the world and gained experience that will enrich my future professional career. My traineeship tasks challenged me to be more organised and developed problem-solving skills. Apart from the organisational side of the workshops, I had the opportunity to participate in them thus enhancing my professional knowledge in the field of foreign language education. The internship at ECML also allowed me to work with the ECML team, which consists of amazing professionals from all over the world. This made it possible not only to further develop my skills in English, German, and French but also to share my experiences living abroad with other colleagues.
Furthermore, working at the ECML I was able to get an insight into how an international organisation works. Being a part of a European institution has allowed me to gain a lot of experience when it comes to working in a multicultural environment. The internship also helped me to determine my career goals and what to do to achieve them.
I am very grateful that I got the chance to spend six months in Graz and get to know all my ECML colleagues. I will remember this time as a challenging and enriching opportunity for personal and professional development.
Stefanija Angelova
Stefanija Angelova
Administration trainee
My name is Stefanija and I come from North Macedonia! Working as an administration trainee at the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz, Austria was an enriching and fulfilling experience. Over the course of my six-month traineeship, I had the opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive and dynamic environment.
My role as an administration trainee involved dealing with financial issues, providing communicational support for participants, and tackling a variety of all-round tasks. These responsibilities helped me to develop a broad range of skills and gain valuable experience in a professional setting.
Throughout my time at the Centre, I was fortunate enough to work alongside a team of dedicated and passionate individuals who were always willing to lend a helping hand. Their guidance and mentorship allowed me to thrive and make the most of my traineeship.
Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of my experience at the European Centre for Modern Languages was the opportunity to interact with people from all around the world. As a language lover myself, being able to use my language skills and help others communicate effectively was truly gratifying.
Overall, I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have been part of such a wonderful organisation. The skills and knowledge I gained during my traineeship will undoubtedly serve me well in my future endeavors, and I will always cherish the memories.
Katarina Vukšić
Katarina Vukšić
Programme trainee
My name is Katarina and I come from Serbia. I came to Graz to study Southeast European Studies. During my last year at the University of Graz, I became a trainee at the European Centre for Modern Languages. As a Programme trainee at the ECML, I had the unique opportunity to gain practical experience in a multicultural and multilingual environment, while also navigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the pandemic, I was able to contribute to the work of the organisation by working on various tasks and meetings. My role as a Programme trainee included assisting in the planning and organisation of virtual events, as well as assisting with follow-up tasks, including reporting and online documentation.
As a trainee, I also had the opportunity to collaborate with other trainees and staff members from around Europe, allowing me to gain valuable insights into different cultural and linguistic perspectives. My experience as a Programme trainee during the pandemic taught me valuable skills in adaptability, communication, and problem-solving. I had to adjust to new work environments and learn how to collaborate effectively with colleagues remotely. The daily use of the Council's two working languages has enabled me to make significant progress in French, particularly in gaining confidence in my written language skills.
Aris Dougas Chavarria
Aris Dougas Chavarria
Web trainee
My name is Aris Dougas Chavarria and I am from Barcelona. However, I was also a student of Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, which made me elegible for a traineeship at the European Centre for Modern Languages. As the end of my MAs approached, I was looking for ways to gain some hands-on work experience. That's when I got to know about this opportunity. And I didn't think twice!
Initially, I had applied for a different area but got offered the Website & Design traineeship instead. At first, I was hesitant since I had a background in social sciences and languages and had no prior experience working with websites. But finally, I accepted... and the rest is history! It proved to be a fortunate turn of events since I was able to learn many skills, such as editing and designing websites using HTML, or using different software tools such as Dreamweaver, InDesign or Fireworks. Working with Christian Friedrich felt very wholesome. Overall, the working environment at the ECML was very engaging and dynamic, with senior staff members always ready to lend a hand. Having other trainees at work was also great - together we figured out creative ways to address challenges and we forged a sense of comradeship.
One of the highlights of this traineeship is that I was given autonomy and responsibility from the beginning. Namely, I engaged in two very meaningful projects - in one of them, I worked together with an expert team from around the globe on an inventory of ICT tools for language learning and teaching; in the other, I researched and created materials concerning minority and regional languages in Europe. In this regard, I was encouraged to nurture my own ideas and contribute to the projects, which made me feel valued and boosted my self-confidence in my abilities and work. An empowering experience, indeed!
Vanja Davidovic
Vanja Davidovic
Web trainee
My name is Vanja and I come from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since I studied in Graz, I heard about the ECML and its work long before my traineeship and I was delighted to be given the opportunity to start my professional career there.
Although I have a background in social sciences and languages, I did my traineeship in the Web and Design section. During this time I learned how to work with multilingual websites and how to use different programmes such as Indesign, Fireworks and Dreamweaver. By the end of my internship, I was also confident in understanding and writing code in HTML. Chris is a wonderful mentor who is very supportive, patient and always happy to help with any questions.
The ECML is a really unique place where you get to meet amazing people and friends. In this international environment you can share your ideas with others, be creative but also gain practical knowledge. I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to contribute to the work of the ECML and to be involved in several inspiring multilingual projects.
I strongly encourage you to apply for a traineeship in the ECML, especially in the Website section, regardless of your background, because I am sure you will gain useful knowledge for your future career and meet wonderful people.
Justyna Galica
Justyna Galica
Programme trainee
My name is Justyna and I come from Poland. I was granted the opportunity to undertake the traineeship in the Programme section and from the first moment I absolutely fell in love with the ECML. During these six months I not only gained knowledge and practice but also had a chance to meet wonderful people. Being surrounded by this truly multilingual and multicultural environment was a great pleasure and being able to contribute to its success was a great satisfaction.
Although tasks of a trainee may sometimes seem of little importance they actually taught me a lot. I was never bored and I was never afraid to ask for help or explanation when I wasn't sure, which I think are two characteristics of a good learning environment.
Traineeship in times of global pandemic was certainly unusual but not necessarily in a negative meaning. Of course, we didn't have a chance to experience any face-to-face events that would usually take place in the ECML but what we did experience was the process of exploring the possibilities of the new digital environment, both by language experts organising the events and participants taking part in them. I found witnessing these changes truly interesting.
I recommend taking the chance and applying for a traineeship to everyone.
Being a part of this unique place, created by warm-hearted people who are professionals in what they do was definitely an unforgettable experience that I will cherish for a long time.
Ani Davtyan
Ani Davtyan
Administration trainee
When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was one of those people who are a well mix of different nationalities and cultures. Even though I did not have the power to go back and change my genetics I managed to grew up in Armenia, study in UK, work in Germany and as well as in Austria - that was an alternative way of absorbing various cultures, letting myself change with every location, adapting to the new circumstances while taking the lessons I learnt from the previous places with me. The traineeship in ECML gave me the chance to get a hint of Austrian abundant culture that I was very lucky to experience.
Last six months in ECML run away as a fast speed train, I started in the beginning of June and next day it was already the end of December but the me that started in June was not the me that ended in December. The traineeship stretched, pushed, and grew myself both as a professional and as a person. It was an amazing experience full of adventurous, educative challenges and most importantly with awesome people.
After five days of leaving Graz I look back and feel deeply grateful towards Graz for being cosy and hospitable, to the ECML for equipping me with life skills, to colleagues for being genuinely nice people, to my manager - Michael Armstrong - for being extremely kind, patient, friendly and for widely contributing to both my professional and personal growth -thank you for being on this journey with me. And to my life for giving me exactly what I needed for the time and putting a bigger pictures into perspective. Thanks from the bottom of my heart, sending my love to all of you wherever you are in the world.
Aziza Sultanova
Aziza Sultanova
Web Trainee
My name is Aziza and I am from Uzbekistan. Even though my country is not part of the ECML, I was granted a chance to do my internship here due to fact that I study in France. During the past 5 years I lived in 3 different countries, France, Canada, and Austria, and had an opportunity to use all the languages I have learnt so far.
Graz was a nice surprise. Half a year ago, I could not say exactly where it is situated. However, since my very first day here, I appreciated its nice landscapes, beautiful architecture, and great location. As a true adventurer, I highly appreciate good connection to the neighbouring countries and cities. Well, Graz is beyond awesome regarding this, and I could travel a lot during my stay here.
Also, the dormitory was very good. At first, I was terrified to share the kitchen with 12 more people because I have never lived in a student dorm before. But soon, our kitchen became one of my favourite places as I could meet so many wonderful people from around the world.
Overall, I enjoyed my time in Graz. I was lucky to be part of a team and work with inspiring people by my side.
Iulia Manda
Iulia Manda
Web Trainee
Servus, here is Iulia Manda from Romania, but I like to consider myself a citizen of the world as I’ve been living out of Romania for already 2 years now.
This traineeship came as a suggestion from a good friend that did it 10 years ago, so I got the challenge and came to Graz for 6 months. I’ve been before in Graz and I always found it irresistible and exciting for living and working, image I didn’t change after my staying here.
You will find everything in Graz, is such a multicultural crossroad, going from one part to another of the city you will meet all kind of people from all the countries of the world wondering around the city making their living. You can get to experiment different kind of foods, cultures and languages like in a very interesting mixture.
Don’t stay in your room if you come to Graz, the real experience is out there in the unknown, go out and experience it by yourself. I get from this multicultural experience very dear friends, life lessons and skills I gathered during the ECML workshops, daily walks or random parties in Ausgarten or Stadpark.
I have just one small advice for the future trainees, come without expectations and experience all the new things you never thought you will do it in your life before.
Wish you a wonderful stay in Graz and uncountable experiences.
Big hugs, Iulia
Elena Olavarri
Elena Olavarri
Communication and
Resource Centre Trainee
Hello! My name is Elena Olavarri and I come from Cantabria, in the north of Spain. I studied Spanish Philology and I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. I have been the trainee at the Communication and Resource Centre at the ECML during the first half of 2017.
This traineeship comes after some other experiences studying and working abroad: Hungary, Belgium, Czech Republic, France...Nevertheless, this one has been my first experience living in a German-speaking country and working in such a deeply multilingual and multicultural environment. I also have to say that Graz is a really welcoming and international city, with plenty of interesting things to do and many worth to visit spots. Besides, if you like to travel, you can easily go to a lot of nice cities! Vienna, Trieste, Venice, Zagreb, Maribor, Munich or Budapest are just some of the places I have been able to visit during my six months in Austria.
If you are thinking to apply for a traineeship at the ECML, do not hesitate to do it! I can say from myself that I will keep very nice memories and good friends from the time I spent here.
Beatrice Neacsu
Beatrice Neacsu
Web Trainee
Hi! I am Beatrice Neacsu from Bucharest, Romania. I studied Journalism and Communication and after graduating from Bachelor’s degree program I did two traineeships, one in Brussels, Belgium at the European Parliament and one in Valencia, Spain for an employment organization. This is my third one, so I can easily call myself an expert.
Many trainees before me wrote about the professional aspect of this traineeship, so I will tell you a bit about life in Graz and what can you expect to find when you’ll move here.
Graz it’s not big, but not too small either. You have everything you need here, from nice shopping streets to bars, restaurants, delicious bakery products, impressive festivals, opera... Twenty minutes by tram from the city centre, you will find yourself in a quiet, relaxing place surrounded by hills and forest, with a running alley 2-3 km long. It’s also a bike-friendly city, so if you love cycling, you will like the city even more.
The dormitory in Mariatrost, the place where you will live if you choose to do so, it’s really nice. I heard it’s the best in town, but as I didn’t try the others, it can be only a rumour. You have your own room, which is small but cosy. It can be lonely sometimes, as people aren’t always open to speak in English (this happened in my unit), but you will have the other trainees in the same building with you. We used to meet in the TV room, on the 3rd floor (that’s the best one) and have a tea after work.
That’s it. I hope you will have a great time in Graz and if you have questions that I didn’t cover here, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to hear from you.
Lenka Kernerová
Lenka Kernerová
Programme Trainee
My name is Lenka Kernerová and I come from the Czech Republic. I have Master´s degree in Applied Economics and French from the Palacký University in Olomouc. Within exchange programmes I had a chance to study at Charles de Gaulle University in Lille and later on I spent one year of my Master´s at the University of Granada in Spain. Apart of Czech, I am fluent in English, Spanish and French. I also manage to get by in German and Russian.
I have always been attracted by multicultural environments having among many things worked for the International relations office at my university and last year for the Czech Centre in Paris. I have also used any free time for travelling and discovering new countries.
The position of a Programme trainee at the ECML has turned out to be an incredible professional and human experience. I had the opportunity to work in a challenging area of project and event management while being a part of a truly plurilingual and multicultural team of amazing colleagues: learning how long-term international projects function and having first-hand contact with their participants while coordinating events. This experience was a great way of realizing and subsequently going beyond ones limits while constantly improving, learning and discovering new ways of communication and cooperation. I can be only grateful for these great six months with the kind and helpful ECML team in the beautiful city of Graz.