Thematic area: Content and language education
Approaches to teaching content through languages, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and bilingual education are increasingly popular across Europe, but teacher training programmes for language teachers with an explicit focus on CLIL remain rare and, for subject teachers, almost non-existent.
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It has been claimed that the implementation of CLIL is outpacing a measured debate about the impact on students and teachers of using an L2 as the medium of instruction.
- How can the content of conventional foreign language classes further contribute to overall aims like intercultural competence or learner autonomy?
- When evaluating student performance, should there be a focus on language or content?
- What is the place of content in vocational language courses?
- What would a model CLIL teacher training look like?
Some of the projects in this section also aim to encourage the use of CLIL in languages other than English.
Content-based teaching for young learners (EPLC)
Enseignement précoce des langues modernes par des contenus
Inhaltsorientiertes frühes Fremdsprachenlernen
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung
(Video in French) |
Curriculum development for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL-CD)
Curriculum-Entwicklung für den bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung |
Good practice in Content and Language Integrated Learning for languages other than English (CLIL-LOTE-GO)
Bonnes pratiques d'enseignement d'une matière par l'intégration d'une langue étrangère autre que l'anglais
Integriertes Sprach - und Fachlernen in anderen Sprachen als Englisch - Modelle für Fortgeschrittene
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung
(Video in French) |
Content and Language Integrated Learning through languages other than English – Getting started (CLIL-LOTE-START)
Integriertes Sprach - und Fachlernen in anderen Sprachen als Englisch - für Einsteiger
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé / Zusammenfassung
(Video in German) |
Content based teaching plurilingual/cultural awareness (ConBaT )
Enseignement d’une matière par l'intégration d’une langue étrangère conscience plurilingue et pluriculturelle
Project Website / Abstract / Résumé |
Project coordinators
Maria Jesús
Gérard Schlemminger
Kim Haataja
Merce Bernaus