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221 tools in total
All-in-one podcast tool
Tool to create animated videos
Screen capturing tool
Tool to record and share voice messages online
Google's platform for classroom management
Rubric creator for student assessment
Virtual resource organiser
Communication platform with diverse functionalities
Online graphic creator
Multilingual translator, dictionary, vocabulary trainer.
AI-powered slide creation tool for real-time audience feedback
Bilingual dictionary and translation tool
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Tool to create interactive lessons
Tool to create interactive presentations and assess students
Interactive tool for creating video lessons
Storyboard creator
Animated story and cartoon creator
Course organisation and assessment tool
Educational game creator
Content curation platform
Platform with resources for learning English
Annotator for Youtube videos
Tool to take, organise, share, sync, and upload notes
Online educational platform
Tool to analyse text content and readability
Tool to improve spoken English and pronunciation
Platform for learning French