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221 tools in total
Flashcard creator and manager
Presentation and document sharing tool
Fill-in-the-gap game based on music lyrics
All-in-one podcast tool
Tool to create interactive presentations and assess students
Interactive presentation creator
Language learning game in 42 languages
Game app for learning maths and English
AI-powered online video creator
Multilingual translator, dictionary, vocabulary trainer.
Online graphic creator
AI-powered chatbot for language learning
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Content curation platform
Platform to share and find materials for language teaching
An open-source research and citation manager
Virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing
Online video maker and editor
Video recording/editing
Screen recording tool
AI voice generator that delivers human-like speech.
Tool for collecting feedback, brainstorming, or generating word clouds
Visual and slide presentation tool for discussion
Free and open-source toolbox for education
Communication platform with diverse functionalities
Interactive virtual whiteboard
Feedback-giving and marking extension for Google Docs