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222 tools in total
Quiz, poll and assessment tool
Privacy-friendly polling tool
Blogging tool by Google
Form, poll, and survey creator
Communication platform with diverse functionalities
AI-powered translator
Multilingual visual dictionary
Audiobook platform in German
Reference manager and document organiser
Tool to take, organise, and share notes and files
Tool to personalise and embed content into websites
Tool to take, organise, share, sync, and upload notes
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AI chatbot that generates human-like responses
AI voice generator that delivers human-like speech.
Online graphic creator
AI-powered chatbot for language learning
Interactive timeline creator
Interactive video lesson creator
Tool for collecting feedback, brainstorming, or generating word clouds
Online spinner tool
Virtual pinboard for content creation/sharing and for collaborative working
Interactive whiteboard
Creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics
Video recording/editing
Screen recorder and video creator
Animated explainer video creator
AI-powered music creation tool