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225 tools in total
Reference manager and document organiser
Website bookmarker, highlighter, and annotator
Virtual resource organiser
Content curation platform
Creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics
Digital whiteboard, mind mapping and project management tool
Course management tool
a privacy-friendly open-source collaboration suit
Interactive classroom quiz creator.
Online poll, survey and quiz creator
Tool to create interactive presentations and assess students
Educational game creator
Help us improve the directory!
Screen recorder and video creator
Bank of images for classroom use
Open-source bank of icons, emojis and more
Podcast platform
Platform to create and share educational resources
Note-taking app
Interactive activity platform for engaging learning
Flashcard creator and manager
Platform with resources for learning English
Pronunciation Dictionary
European broadcasting platform in six languages
Online educational platform
an AI-powered teaching assistant
AI-powered tool that converts text into natural-sounding speech
AI-powered suite of writing tools
Multilingual translator, dictionary, vocabulary trainer.