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Action research communities for language teachers

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Action research
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Please note: These definitions relate to this specific resource. The same terms may be defined differently in other contexts.

Items in total: 36

action research


analytical discourse

bottom-up approach

building on strengths


community of practice

Content & Language Integrated Learning / CLIL in German

data collection


educational change




language teaching


memory log




professional development


quality assurance

quality cultures




research methods

research question

scholarly community


teacher researcher

teachers as reflective practitioners


tools or instruments of action research


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Gallagher-Brett A. and Lechner C. (2023), “Helping language teachers in Lithuania take their first action research steps during the COVID-19 pandemic: An online strategy”, Canadian Journal of Action ResearchSpecial Issue: Action Research in the time of COVID-19, Vol. 23, No. 2, available at https://journals.nipissingu.ca/index.php/cjar/issue/view/45, accessed 23 June 2023.

Gallagher-Brett A., Kasumagić-Kafedžić L., Lechner C., Mihiau T., Ragnarsdottír B. A. (2021), “Action Research Communities for Language Learners: Training and Consultancy Programme for Action Research Communities for Language Teachers”, in Marcos Teri, Purrington Londa, Lomeli Agruel Clotilde (eds), Supporting the Teaching of Action Research (STAR) Newsletter, https://sites.google.com/view/star-arna-arc/newsletter, November 2021, accessed 6 October 2022.

Hakobayan S., Lechner C. & Zaninin R. (2022), “Action Research Communities for language teachers in Yerevan, Armenia”, in Marcos Teri, Purrington Londa, Lomeli Agruel Clotilde (eds), Supporting the Teaching of Action Research (STAR) Newsletter: Education and Democracy, June 2022, https://sites.google.com/view/star-arna-arc/newsletter, accessed 6 October 2022.

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Jacquin M. (2019), “L’entretien après une leçon observée comme lieu de développement des pratiques de formation”, in Jacquin M., Lechner C. and Picenoni M. (eds), Recherche-action, Babylonia, no. 2, Fondazione Lingue e Cultura, Comano, pp. 50-53.

Jacquin M., Lechner C., Picenoni M. (2019), Recherche-action, Babylonia, no. 2, Fondazione Lingue e Cultura, Comano.

Kasumagić-Kafedžić L. (2016), Exploring challenges and possibilities in pre-service teacher education: Critical and intercultural pedagogy in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chapter III in Challenges associated with cross-Cultural and at-risk student engagement, Richard K. Gordon (California State University, USA), Taichi Akutsu (Seisa University, Japan), J. Cynthia McDermott (Antioch University, USA) and Jose W. Lalas (Redlands University, USA), IGI Global.

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Kasumagić-Kafedžić L. (2019), Učiti zajedno, učiti živjeti zajedno: Interkulturalnost u savremenoj nastavi engleskog jezika (Learning together, learning to live together: Interculturalism in contemporary English language didactics), Dobra knjiga, Sarajevo.

Kasumagić-Kafedžić L., Pickering P., Žero A., Nagel J. (2019), “Development and assessment of intercultural communicative competences of primary students in informal learning contexts”, Language Teacher Cognition Research Bulletin, JACET 2018, March 2019.

Kasumagić-Kafedžić L., Dedić-Bukvić E., Forić-Plasto M. (2022), Democratic culture and peace pedagogy in teacher education (e-book), The European Wergeland Centre, Council of Europe, https://theewc.org/resources/democratic-culture-and-peace-pedagogy-in-teacher-education-practice-examples-from-virtual-classrooms/, accessed 6 October 2022.

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