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    4 modes

The four modes of communication and the four language skills

This module presents the concept of the four modes of communication and their relevance in language teaching, learning and assessment in vocational training and at university. It also explains how the four modes of communication are related to the four language skills.


Introduction to the four modes of communication

Download PowerPoint presentation

Download PowerPoint presentation with audio

The four modes of communication and the four language skills

This video explains how the four modes of communication are related to the fours language skills.

Download PowerPoint presentation

Download PowerPoint presentation with audio

Script of the videos

A script of the videos, for those who prefer reading to watching.

Download script

Resources for professional development

Self assessment checklist

This Word file can be used as a self-reflection tool for teachers who want to see to what extent their classroom tasks and scenarios address the four modes of communication. It can also be used by teacher educators in teacher education or professional development workshop as a groupwork activity.

Self-reflection checklist – Four modes of communication