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    How to use the VITbox resources

How to use the VITbox resources

All VITbox modules provide videos, corresponding PowerPoint presentations and recorded PowerPoints describing the VITbox resources, with a focus on specific key concepts of the CEFR Companion Volume. Teacher educators can use these files in their professional development workshops or in teacher education seminars. They can use the documents as they are or adapt them to their individual needs. Furthermore, teachers and teacher educators can use them for self-study purposes.


How to use the VITbox resources - Introduction

A video that provides a short summary of how users can use, adapt and complement the VITbox resources

Download PowerPoint presentation

Download PowerPoint presentation with audio

How to use the VITbox files for professional development activities

Download PowerPoint presentation

Download PowerPoint presentation with audio

How to adapt the VITbox files and create your own materials

Download PowerPoint presentation

Download PowerPoint presentation with audio

Script of the videos

A script of the videos, for those who prefer reading to watching.

Download script

Resources for professional development

Template for a classroom task

A Word file that can be used as a template to describe and present a classroom task. This can be used e.g. in professional development workshops.


Example of a PowerPoint for a professional development workshop

A PDF file that shows the PowerPoint that combines different elements of the VITbox resources for a two-day professional development workshop. 
