Council of Europe resources
A guide to teacher competences for languages in education

Language teacher competences are crucial to the quality and effectiveness of language education. Successful language learning depends in large part on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of language teachers. In addition, in the world of today all teachers need to be critically aware of the role that language and communication play in education and in life in general, to be able to use language(s) sensitively in their teaching, whatever their subject, and to develop students’ general language awareness.
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Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and teaching materials (FREPA)
This publication opens ways for implementing pluralistic approaches in classrooms in order to develop the plurilingual and intercultural competences of learners of all subjects. The term pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures refers to didactic approaches which involve the use of more than one / several varieties of languages or cultures simultaneously during the teaching process.
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European portfolio for pre-primary educators (PEPELINO)
PEPELINO is a portfolio aimed at students embarking on initial training to become pre-primary educators and persons working with children under the age of 7 who wish to improve their training.
It is a tool for personal reflection on professional competences, focusing on the plurilingual and intercultural dimension of work with pre-primary children.
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