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    Didactical approach

Didactic approach

The portrait of citizens who are users of languages and digital technology makes it possible to specify the objectives to be pursued in language education that is integrated with education for digital citizenship. Here is the didactic framework that defines a socio-interactional approach to this integration.

A didactic approach that emphasises the importance of social interaction

This approach is based on the principle that all human action and communication is largely influenced by the relationships between the people involved in it.

To put it very simply, we don't talk about the same things in the same way with the different people around us. The approach therefore stresses the importance of offering learners as wide a variety of communication situations as possible, enabling them to be in contact with different people.

However, institutional frameworks for teaching and learning generally offer peers, teaching staff and, in the case of telecollaboration, other distant learners only limited opportunities. Also, in many cases, the tasks do not present any particular social challenge, and their outcome is often aimed solely at the teacher. E-language citizenship resources therefore offer a new type of task called "real-life tasks".

Teaching with e-language citizenship resources

The e-lang citizenship resources involve active, participative and transformative pedagogy, on the one hand, and a socio-interactional vision of communication and action, on the other. These principles are reflected in language teaching and learning through the promotion of real-life tasks. The tasks enable learners to:

  • develop language and behavioural skills in authentic situations,
  • act as users of language,
  • exercise and strengthen their digital literacy and digital citizenship.

By carrying out real-world tasks, learners become citizens who use languages and digital technology.

Take a look at our task bank, where you will find task sheets for you and your learners.