Before using these tasks, we invite you to take a look at the pages where the worksheets are described. Please note that the worksheets are only suggestions and can be adapted to your specific context. They can also be a source of inspiration for developing your own tasks.
Create a poster against cyberbullying
You are going to create a (multilingual) poster against cyberbullying that we will display in our school. It could also be posted on the school's website and offered to other institutions.
Language activities: Written production
Type of citizen action: Safe
Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
You are going to create a (multilingual) poster against cyberbullying that we will display in our school. It could also be posted on the school's website and offered to other institutions.
Download the sheet for teachers and the sheet for learners
FOMO syndrome (= Fear of missing out)

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyCollaboration literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Assess the various reviews of your favourite film

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyKnowledge of how information is generated and disseminated
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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What are the qualities of a good audio guide?

Language activities: Oral receptionWritten receptionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Informed
Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyKnowledge of how information is generated and disseminatedInformation literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Contribute to an online catalogue of audio books

Language activities: Oral production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions:
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyMultimodal literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Recommend a restaurant, bar, café... in a participative tourist guide

Language activities: Written production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleInformed
Inclusive dimensions:
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyInformation literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Engage and discuss on Twitter

Language activities: Written receptionWritten interactionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe
Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Making an engaging video for Instagram or TikTok

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyMultimodal literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Creating and distributing a meme

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Critical
Inclusive dimensions:
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyMultimodal literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A1A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Creating an audio postcard and posting it on a podcast hosting site

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Time to unmute: Posting a voice message on Youth Voices

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe
Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Adding an audio description to a short video

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe
Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMultimodal literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Creating an audio guide to an alternative travel destination

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyInformation literacyMultimodal literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Born to travel

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible
Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyCollaboration literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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Visiting Europe

Language activities: Oral productionWritten productionMediation
Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe
Inclusive dimensions: PlurilingualMediation
Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacy
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CEFR language proficiency level(s): A1A2B1B2C1C2
Educational level(s): ISCED 2 (Lower secondary education)ISCED 3 (Upper secondary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 4 (Post-secondary, non-tertiary education (including general and vocational education))ISCED 5-8 (Tertiary education (including general and vocational education))
Educational level(s):
ISCED 2 and above (lower secondary education)
Language of the materials: EnglishFrench
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