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    Digital tasks

Digital tasks

The digital tasks in the e-lang citizenship resources address different aspects of digital citizenship and enable learners to reflect on the uses, especially their own uses, of digital technology.

Real-life tasks to tame the 'digital wilds'

These are tasks to be carried out using participative online platforms that are neither created nor administered by educational institutions and whose purpose is not language learning; in other words, they are carried out in the "digital wilds", i.e. informal online spaces. These may be forums, wikis, online catalogues, etc.

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Reflective tasks

The website also offers reflective tasks. These encourage learners to reflect on the practices of internet users and their own use of digital technology.

Before using these tasks, we invite you to take a look at the pages where the worksheets are described. Please note that the worksheets are only suggestions and can be adapted to your specific context. They can also be a source of inspiration for developing your own tasks.

There are 31 resources in total

My geolocated language biography

In this task, you are going to create your language biography using geolocation software to create narrative texts. Your story will recount your language journey and experiences by geolocating them on a dynamic map.

Language activities: Written production

Type of citizen action: Safe

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Multimodal literacyTechnologically mediated communication (literacy)

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Create a poster against cyberbullying

You are going to create a (multilingual) poster against cyberbullying that we will display in our school. It could also be posted on the school's website and offered to other institutions.

Language activities: Written production

Type of citizen action: Safe

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacy

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Wikihow - the world of instructions

You are going to compare different injunctive discourses given on sites like Wikihow. For example, you could choose a theme/topic that you are familiar with and that is highlighted by those around you, and study how this theme/topic is dealt with on Wikihow sites in different languages (e.g. 'sauna').

Language activities: Written reception

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleCriticalInformedCompetent

Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual

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My digital technology world

Language activities: Oral interactionWritten interactionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Critical

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Knowledge of how information is generated and disseminatedMultimodal literacy

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FOMO syndrome (= Fear of missing out)

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyCollaboration literacy

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My digital technology footprint

Language activities: Oral receptionWritten receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleInformed

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Media literacy

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Reflections on online book reviews

Language activities: Written receptionOral production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Media literacyKnowledge of how information is generated and disseminatedMultimodal literacy

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Identifying fake news

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleCriticalCompetent

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Multimodal literacy

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Wikipedia – Strengths and limitations

Language activities: Written receptionOral interaction

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleCriticalInformed

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Media literacy

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What makes a good audio description for a video?

Language activities: Oral receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Media literacyMultimodal literacy

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Assess the various reviews of your favourite film

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyKnowledge of how information is generated and disseminated

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What are the qualities of a good audio guide?

Language activities: Oral receptionWritten receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Informed

Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyKnowledge of how information is generated and disseminatedInformation literacy

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Influencers and us

Language activities: Oral receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: CriticalInformed

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Media literacyInformation literacy

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Reddit - take part to understand

Language activities: Written receptionWritten interactionWritten production

Type of citizen action: CriticalInformed

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technologically mediated communication (literacy)

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How do they see us? Interviewing a community

Language activities: Written receptionWritten interaction

Type of citizen action: SafeCritical

Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technologically mediated communication (literacy)

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Contribute to an online catalogue of audio books

Language activities: Oral production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyMultimodal literacy

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Recommend a restaurant, bar, café... in a participative tourist guide

Language activities: Written production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleInformed

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyInformation literacy

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Engage and discuss on Twitter

Language activities: Written receptionWritten interactionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe

Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacy

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Chat on Discord

Language activities: Oral receptionWritten receptionOral interactionWritten interactionOral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Multimodal literacy

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Making an engaging video for Instagram or TikTok

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyMultimodal literacy

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Creating and distributing a meme

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Critical

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyMultimodal literacy

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Creating an audio postcard and posting it on a podcast hosting site

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacy

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Sharing a recipe on TikTok

Language activities: Oral production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions:

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Multimodal literacy

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The hidden pearl for tourists

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Multimodal literacyParticipation literacy

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Time to unmute: Posting a voice message on Youth Voices

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacy

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Adding an audio description to a short video

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe

Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMultimodal literacy

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Creating an audio guide to an alternative travel destination

Language activities: Oral productionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: Intercultural

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyInformation literacyMultimodal literacy

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Born to travel

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsible

Inclusive dimensions: InterculturalPlurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacyMedia literacyCollaboration literacy

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Visiting Europe

Language activities: Oral productionWritten productionMediation

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleSafe

Inclusive dimensions: PlurilingualMediation

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Technological literacy

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Commenting on a newspaper article

Language activities: Written receptionWritten production

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleCriticalInformed

Inclusive dimensions: Plurilingual

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Knowledge of how information is generated and disseminated

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Present a personality on Wikipedia

Language activities: Written receptionWritten productionMediation

Type of citizen action: Ethical and responsibleCritical

Inclusive dimensions: PlurilingualMediation

Dimensions of digital literacy covered: Information literacyParticipation literacy

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