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Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment

This project sets out to develop a teaching guide for foreign language teachers of primary and secondary education who want to include cross-linguistic mediation in their pedagogical practices. This will contain information about the theory and practice of teaching, learning and assessing mediation together with examples of mediation tasks in different languages, which draw on the Companion Volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). A digital database, which will include tasks suitable for various educational environments, will also be produced.

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Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2020-2022
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/mediation      


Main idea and objectives

This project sets out to develop guidelines useful for language teachers who want to include the linguistic mediation aspect in their classrooms. The goal is to familiarise teachers with a language pedagogy that will allow them to function “as agents of multilingualism in Europe” (Ziegler 2013) and to help them gain knowledge into how to develop and assess their students’ mediation skills.

Mediation, with which this project is concerned, as part of someone's plurilingual competence is an aspect in teacher education not yet touched upon. As highlighted by a study by Zeigler (2013) plurilingualism has become a mode of living on the one hand but is still in its infancy from a methodological and applied viewpoint. As stated in her study relating to the need for foreign language teachers to be trained in plurilingual methodology “language teachers faced with the challenge of multilingualism and plurilingual repertoires can no longer draw on single resources like bringing in materials in a given language or from experienced multilingual practices (e.g., Erasmus exchange)” (Ziegler, 2013 drawing upon Goodman 2009). More than in the past, language teachers have to integrate language resources of multiple kinds. This project draws upon inclusive and pluralistic approaches to education – main priorities of the European Centre for Modern Languages - where the development of linguistic and intercultural competences play a key role.

Language teachers will hopefully become able to adopt new teaching methods in today's multilingual classrooms focusing on languages as resources rather than on languages as systems to be taught thus facilitating a shift from monolingualism to multilingualism.

Target groups

  • Teachers 
  • Teacher educators
  • School leaders
  • Policy-makers and curriculum planners
  • Those responsible for foreign language teacher training programmes
  • Material developers
  • School inspectors/advisors
  • Teacher associations
Postponed to 2024

Webinar "Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment"

Do you wish to include cross-linguistic mediation in your daily pedagogical practices but do not know where to start from? Then this is the webinar you were waiting for! The European Centre for Modern Languages' METLA project (2020-2022) has developed a *Teaching Guide* for foreign language teachers containing information about the theory and practice of mediation. It includes suggestions and tips on how to teach cross-linguistic mediation, and examples of mediation tasks which draw on the Companion Volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR-CV).

This webinar will help participants familiarise themselves with the notion of mediation, the aims and objectives of the METLA project and the contents of the *Teaching Guide* (and how it could be used for training purposes).

Examples of mediation tasks in different languages will be shown and the METLA databank will also be presented. The ultimate aim is for participants to gain awareness of how to design materials to develop and assess their learners’ mediation performance.

Target group: This webinar is designed to support language teachers and teacher educators. Educational authorities responsible for foreign language teacher education programmes may find some information useful along with decision makers, such as school principals, curriculum planners or material developers.

Language: English

Register here

Project website: www.ecml.at/mediation  

Envisaged project results

The teaching guide to be produced will contain information about

  • what mediation entails,
  • how it can be implemented,
  • types of mediation tasks.

It will provide guided practice for the development of teaching and testing tasks for cross-linguistic mediation drawing upon the CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors of mediation (Council of Europe, 2018).

A digital database which will contain activities and tasks to be used in different educational environments as well as digital materials and further references relevant to cross-linguistic mediation will also be produced.

Using the work carried out so far by the Council of Europe as reference and as a base on which to expand the European vision of changing the language teaching paradigm to a more open and inclusive approach, this project will also entail a series of webinars focusing on providing further guidelines to participants as to how to teach and assess mediation. The webinars towards the end of the project will become available to teachers, teacher trainers, material developers, and syllabus designers. In this way, the project will attempt to exploit, as recommended by the European Commission, the transformational benefits of ICTs and other new technologies to “enrich teaching, improve learning experiences, support personalized learning, facilitate access through distance learning, and create new opportunities for the collaboration across cultural borders” (European Commission, 2011: 5)

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Final conference of the 6th medium-term programme 2020-2023 (13-14 December 2023, Graz, Austria & online)

Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment – METLA as a good practice of using the CEFR-CV for the development of materials

European Language Gazette #63: enjoy the latest issue!

Presentation of the METLA project at the Symposium of the Finnish Association of Applied Linguistics (AFinLA) (Helsinki, Finland, 27-29 October 2022)

The METLA Project: Overcoming challenges… and hopes for the future

MultiLEAP Webinar – Languages Across Borders, Within the classroom: Mediation in Teaching, Learning and Assessment (7 October at 13.30-15.00)

The METLA Project: first year activities, experiences and challenges

"Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment": The METLA project ... on its way

Mediation in teaching, learning and assessment: A teaching guide for language educators

Article about the METLA project 

View article

Source: Courriel européen des langues n° 45. https://www.france-education-international.fr/document/cel-juin2021