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Developing teacher competences for pluralistic approaches
Training and reflection tools for teachers and teacher educators

The project will develop scenarios for teacher education based on the identification of the teaching competences required to implement pluralistic approaches. These training tools will help language and other subject teachers to implement approaches aimed at developing learners' competences as described in "A Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures (FREPA)".

Related resources

Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2020-2023
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/pluralisticteachercompetences     


Main idea and objectives

 Plurilingual and intercultural education is promoted by the Council of Europe as one of the conditions for living together. As stated in the Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for plurilingual and intercultural education (Beacco J.-C., et al. 2016, Council of Europe, Strasbourg), pluralistic approaches have emerged in recent years as important tools, among others, for such education and are being adopted in an increasing number of countries. However, their implementation often remains difficult. Teacher education is a decisive lever for achieving the innovations that are promoted.

"A Framework of reference for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures" (FREPA, 2012) focuses on learners' competences. This new project aims to complement it by focusing on the development of the teaching competences necessary for the implementation of such approaches, in language teaching and for dealing with the language dimension in other subjects. These competences will be identified and teacher education scenarios that will help teachers develop them will be produced.

Target groups

The target group consists of teacher educators and teachers in initial and in-service training: teachers of all languages, foreign or not, and teachers of other subjects.


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Envisaged project outputs

Scenarios for teacher education

Each scenario will aim to develop one or several of the teacher competences identified as being necessary for the development by learners of some of the competences and resources described in the FREPA. It includes materials or links to existing materials, instructions for independent use or use in a group. All scenarios and materials will be available online, for use by individual teachers, teacher educators, decision makers and teacher-education curriculum designers.

The tools which will be produced are expected to facilitate the development of teacher education programmes as well as independent teacher development. They will provide the means to specify training objectives, to raise awareness of the need for new skills, and to promote self-assessment and self-development. The teacher education scenarios will ensure the contextualisation needed for the actual development of professional skills by teachers in their classrooms and professional contexts. The tools will be available to teachers for self-development and to teacher educators for use in teacher education institutions.

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