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    Plurilingual wellbeing

Fostering the plurilingual wellbeing of language teachers

Teachers' plurilingual wellbeing supports successful plurilingual education. Teachers’ plurilingual wellbeing is described as being aware and valuing the potential of one’s own language repertoire and feeling comfortable with using it in a variety of personal and professional contexts. This project is for teachers interested in using resources to develop their own plurilingual wellbeing.


Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2024-2026
Shortcut: www.ecml.at/pluriwell
Administration: view page

Why this project is needed

Teachers' relationships to their languages and cultures shape their approach to linguistic and cultural teaching and learning in the classroom. While plurilingualism has become official policy, the success of plurilingual education relies on teachers' language well-being. This concept is often overlooked, but it must be defined in light of Europe's sociolinguistic diversity, characterized, for example, by the presence of co-official, minoritized, and migrant or home languages. These specificities influence teachers' language identity. Teachers often navigate contradictions between their own beliefs or attitudes and the task of fostering pupils' plurilingual competencies.  Moreover, the Council of Europe member states share a commitment to diversity and democracy through language education.

The project addresses this issue by defining the concept of teachers' plurilingual wellbeing as being aware and valuing the potential of one’s own language repertoire and feeling comfortable with using it in a variety of personal and professional contexts.

Target groups


Teachers and teacher educators

Educational levels concerned

All levels

Envisaged project results

Guiding principles for  teachers’ plurilingual wellbeing
The guiding principles of this project illustrate what plurilingual wellbeing is, and why  it can support teachers and contribute to plurilingual education. They will be used to demonstrate how plurilingual wellbeing can be fostered through reflection, based on challenging teachers’ perceptions and beliefs with regard to their own languages and language teaching.

Toolkit for teachers’ plurilingual wellbeing
This toolkit is a collection of adaptable and hands-on resources designed by teachers for fostering plurilingual wellbeing among teachers.

Video and audiotestimonials
The video and audio testimonials will portray the experiences of teachers who have participated in the project. The aim is to highlight links between teachers’ plurilingual wellbeing and their teaching practices.

Forthcoming events


Apr 2025

ECML programme 2024-2027
Network meeting for project coordinators of the ECML programme 2024-2027
View details


May 2025

Fostering the plurilingual wellbeing of language teachers
Expert meeting
View details


Nov 2025

Fostering the plurilingual wellbeing of language teachers
Expert meeting
View details

Latest news

Pluriwell teachers exchange tips and refine tools for plurilingual wellbeing

Pluriwell teachers on the pathway to plurilingual wellbeing

Pluriwell online meeting brings together 30 participants from across Europe

How to get involved

Workshop in 2026

The aims of the workshop are to:

  1. understand how plurilingual wellbeing can support plurilingual education.
  2. explore the draft plurilingual wellbeing toolkit
  3. learn from teachers who participated in reflective activities and have designed and used the plurilingual wellbeing toolkit in different contexts
  4. pilot and give feedback on the draft toolkit.

Read more

Do you wish to participate?

Individuals with a special interest and professional background in the topic of this particular project are invited to take up contact with the ECML National Nominating Authority in their country so that they can be considered for participation in the corresponding project workshop.

Project team and partners

FPCEE Blanquerna University Ramon Llull

Latisha MARY
Website correspondent
University of Strasbourg, School of Education and Lifelong Learning

Second language documentalist
Thurgau University of Teacher Education

Communications officer

Associate partners

FPCEE Blanquerna, University Ramon Llull, Spain

University of Strasbourg, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, France

FPCEE Blanquerna, University Ramon Llull, Spain

Language education at the heart of democracy – why this matters in my context

Caterina SUGRANYES (Spain)
Video in Catalan
Gerit JARITZ (Switzerland)
Video in German
Latisha MARY (France)
Video in French
Karen AARØE (Danemark)
Video in Danish

Related resources

Council of Europe resources


View glossary

Other resources

  • Mary L. and Young A. (2020) “Teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards home languages maintenance and their effects”, in Schalley  A.C. and Eisenchlas  S. (eds.), Handbook of home language maintenance and development. Social and affective factors, De Gruyter, pp. 444-463, available at https://doi.org/10.1515/9781501510175-022.
  • Mercer S. (2021), “An agenda for wellbeing in ELT: An ecological perspective”, ELT Journal, 75/1, pp. 14-21.
  • Soler D. and Sugranyes C. (2022), “Understanding the plurilingual research in context”, Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 51, pp. 53-67.
  • Sugranyes C., Soler D., Bromberg W. & Ballarin W. (2024), “Understanding teachers’ plurilingual well-being in context”, APAC ELT Journal, Issue 94, pp. 8-16, available at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/.../APAC+ELT+Journal+n.94.pdf.
  • Sugranyes C. (2021), “Promoting plurilingual competences in primary schools in Barcelona: A dominant language constellation approach to teaching and learning languages”, in Aronin L., Vetter E. (eds), Dominant language constellations approach in education and language acquisition, Educational Linguistics, Vol. 51, Springer, Cham.
  • Young A. and Mary L. (2021), “Blurring the borders between research and practice: video as a tool to develop knowledge about language and empower (student) teachers in multilingual pre-school classrooms”, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 351-362.