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ECML resources

The work of the ECML represents a collective effort and determination to enhance the quality in language education at challenging times. The publications illustrate the dedication and active involvement of all those who participated in a series of international projects and training and consultancy activities. The promotion of the programme outputs and their adaptation to different learning environments is supported through National Contact Points in each of the member states of the Centre. Read more

ECML resource
ICOPROMO – Intercultural competence for professional mobility

This publication reflects the outcomes of a project which brought together experts and practitioners in the field of intercultural competence for professional mobility and which focused on group-oriented (teamwork) intercultural communication and interaction competencies. The materials developed are primarily targeted at educators and facilitators working with graduates in the social sciences, human resource managers, intercultural trainers, coaches, mediators and foreign language teachers in higher education with a strong focus on intercultural awareness. More generally all those who are interested in the enhancement of intercultural competence may find it valuable to gain a deeper insight into the theoretical concepts underlying these materials. The final product resulting from this project combines a booklet and a CD-Rom. In the booklet the reader will find essential information on the ICOPROMO project and on the theoretical model developed within its framework.

In addition, the CD-Rom features: a set of 18 training activities designed to develop the intercultural competence of multicultural teams; a detailed analysis of a qualitative study on multicultural teams carried out in the 4 countries represented by the original project team (Austria, Germany, Portugal and Spain) and used to define the main elements of the model developed; and an analysis of a survey on the topics of languages and cross-cultural training in 30 international businesses and organisations.

Evelyne Glaser, Manuela Guilherme, María del Carmen Méndez García, Terry Mughan

With support from:
Mike Byram, Duarte Silva, Anne Sofia Holmberg, Marisa María Luisa Pérez Cañado, Alexandra Kaar, Iris Fischlmayr, Olga Arcalá Campillo, Jelena Jefimova, Clara Keating, Daniel Hoppe, Marcus Abílio Pereira and Vivien Burrows

Target group(s): teachers

Publication year: 2007

Author(s): Evelyne Glaser


Available links and files:

ICOPROMO – Website (EN) (FR)

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